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Python Google Translate (using reverse-engineered public API, so free)

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Google translate "without" limits and without API key


pip3 install git+


>>>from googletranslate import translate

>>> translate( 'Have fun using this!', 'nl')
'Veel plezier ermee!'

# you could also explicitly specify source and/or destination language.
>>> translate( 'have fun using this', dest='nl',  src='en' )

>>> translate( 'Have fun using this!', 'fr')
'Amusez-vous en utilisant cela!'

>>> translate( 'Have fun using this!', 'de', 'en')
'Viel Spaß damit!'

# usage variation 1

>>> from googletranslate import Translator
>>> to_japanese = Translator('ja')
>>> print('lets do something japanese...', to_japanese('Good afternoon!'))
lets do something japanese... こんにちは# usage variation 2 : translate files

>>> from googletranslate import Translator
>>> translator = Translator('es')
>>> with open(somedocument.txt, 'r') as infile, open(somespanishdocument.txt, 'w+') as outfile:
        # i recommend writing a custom function which translates bigger chunks to minimize the amount of api calls.
        for line in infile: