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Ultimate Member - Account tabs

Adds custom tabs to the Account page menu.

Key features

  • Ability to create custom account tabs with custom title, content and icon.
  • Ability to restrict custom account tabs for specific user roles.
  • Ability to embed a profile form into the custom account tab.


Note: This plugin requires the Ultimate Member plugin to be installed first.

How to install from GitHub

Open git bash, navigate to the plugins folder and execute this command:

git clone --branch=main [email protected]:umdevelopera/um-account-tabs.git um-account-tabs

Once the plugin is cloned, enter your site admin dashboard and go to wp-admin > Plugins > Installed Plugins. Find the Ultimate Member - Account tabs plugin and click the Activate link.

How to install from ZIP archive

You can install this plugin from the ZIP file as any other plugin. Follow this instruction.

How to use

How to create a tab

Go to wp-admin > Ultimate Member > Account Tabs and click the Add New button to create a draft.

Image - How to create a new account tab. WP, Ultimate Member, Account Tabs

Configure the account tab settings:

  1. Title - The title of the tab (menu item text).

  2. Content - The content of the tab. Optional. You can use text, HTML, and shortcodes. Shortcodes that display a form are not allowed!

  3. Pre-defined content:

  • Embed a profile form - Select a form if you wish to embed a profile form into the tab.
  1. Display Settings:
  • Show on these roles accounts - Select user roles, in whose accounts you want to display the tab. The tab is displayed in all accounts if empty.
  1. Appearance:
  • Background color - Set the color of the tab menu item. Default #E0E0E0
  • Icon - Set the icon of the tab menu item. Default +
  • Position - Set the position of the tab item in the menu. A number from 1 to 999. Default is 800. The value for each tab must be unique!

Image - Custom account tab settings. WP, Ultimate Member, Account Tabs, Add (Edit) Tab

How to embed a profile form

Select the profile form you want to embed to the tab in the dropdown Embed a profile form.

Image - An example of the embed profile form. example - custom tab with profile form in account


This is a free extension created for the community. The Ultimate Member team does not provide support for this extension. Open new issue if you are facing a problem or have a suggestion.

Related links

Ultimate Member home page:

Ultimate Member documentation:

Ultimate Member download:

Articles: Account Tab, Extend Ultimate Member Account page with custom tabs/content, How to display custom fields in Account