Universal Robots have become a dominant supplier of lightweight, robotic manipulators for industry, as well as for scientific research and education. It is the core value of Universal Robots, to empower people to achieve any goal within automation.
The goal of this driver is to provide a stable and sustainable interface between UR robots and NVIDIA Isaac-SDK that strongly benefit all parties.
NVIDIA Isaac-SDK is the main software toolkit for NVIDIA Robotics. Included in the Isaac SDK is the ability to easily write modular applications and deploy them on UR Robots.
The driver is currently not completed, or intended for industrial use without modification. Contribution is welcome on the driver.
This driver is forked from the Universal Robots ROS Driver, which is forked from the ur_modern_driver.
NVIDIA for making and maintain the Isaac-SDK framework and libraries. As well as contributing to making this driver become reality.
Can be used on a CB3 (with software version >= 3.7) and e-Series (software >= 5.1) UR robot or simulator. Simulator can be found on Universal Robots website here: https://www.universal-robots.com/download/?option=41508#section41493
Can be used with NVIDIA Jetson hardware platform see here: https://www.universal-robots.com/plus/urplus-components/plug-ins-interfaces/jetson-agx-xavier-developer-kit/
- Download Isaac SDK from https://developer.nvidia.com/isaac-sdk, then follow the documentation to setup and install dependencies.
- Clone this repository.
- In Isaac SDK folder, create a symlink "packages/universal_robots" to this repository:
isaac/packages/universal_robots -> /home/username/universal_robots
- In Isaac SDK folder, run
bazel run packages/universal_robots/apps:simple_joint_control
This should open a jupyter notebook in browser. Follow instructions there to manually control joints or digital io channels on the arm. Remember to update the ip for the arm.
- A second example repetitively pick and place box between two preset waypoints. This app assumes a vacuum pump is connected through the digital io interfaces. Make sure to update the waypoints based on the actual setup, and make sure the path between the waypoints are obstacle-free, as the current planner in SDK do not have obstacle avoidance capability. To run the app:
bazel run packages/universal_robots/apps:shuffle_box
- Both samples can be run on Jetson. Follow instructions in https://docs.nvidia.com/isaac/isaac/doc/getting_started.html#deploying-and-running-on-jetson to deploy the sample apps.