Geomechanical Injection Scenario Toolkit
Dependencies: Python (3.9.10), numpy (1.21.4), scipy (1.7.3), pandas (1.3.5)
Additional dependencies for plotting: seaborn, matplotlib, geopandas, contextily
Code is written as classes and subroutines in one .py file, with a second .py file or Jupyter notebook as a driver script
Injection processing, GIST computation, and visualization are broken up into separate steps and separate branches.
Code to regenerate results from IMAGE presentation in August 2022: - first Monte-Carlo GIST code used for IMAGE - driver script for IMAGE examples
Injection processing code: - basic injection data processing/merging for B3 TX and NM injection .csv files, (version 3) - driver script to output time-regularized and filtered injection data with daily sampling - same as above, but with 10-day sampling to make the code run a bit faster for events with large numbers of wells
Most recent version: - GIST class built for version 3 of the B3 data - driver script built around the Range Hill earthquake - collection of plotting functions to visualize results
GIST_Stanton_11-4-23_Compute.ipnyb - Jupyter notebook for 11/4/23 Stanton earthquake - computation
GIST_Stanton_11-4-23Plots.ipynb - Jupyter notebook for 11/4/23 Stanton earthquake - plotting
GIST_TestAnisotropy.ipynb - Jupyter notebook for testing azimuthal permeability anisotropy in gistMCLive
GIST_Stanton_TodayCompute.ipynb - Jupyter notebook for a hypothetical present-day Stanton earthquake - computation
- Validate pore pressure modeling codes
- Include Matlab prototype code
- Regression tests for Python code to match "Gold" results from Matlab code
- Rework series of discrete steps into a workflow:
- QC and edit injection data after well selection
- Update GIST parameterization after plots
- Anisotropy examples
- Incorporate BEG-checked data from Bob Reedy