I'm a software engineer for technical-scientific applications having M.Sc. degrees in Computer Sciences and Mathematics. For software development on various platforms (Windows, Linux, macOS) I mainly use the programming languages C++, Java, and Fortran.
- PDF technologies
- Database management systems (design and architecture)
- XML/XSLT processing
- I18N (Internationalization) technologies
Since about 2005 I'm involved in Open Source software development.
My components for wxWidgets-based applications
- wxSQLite3 - SQLite3 wrapper (with encryption support)
- wxPdfDocument - Generation of PDF documents
- wxChartDir - Support for using the ChartDirector library
- SQLite3 Multiple Ciphers - SQLite3 extension with support for multiple cipher schemes
- libcurl - A library for transferring data with URL syntax
- libxlsxwriter - A C library for creating Excel XLSX files
- sqleet - SQLite3 encryption that sucks less
- wxWidgets - Cross-Platform GUI Library
- libexpat - Fast streaming XML parser library
- Lua - Powerful, efficient, lightweight, embeddable scripting language
- muparser - Fast math parser library
- OpenSSL - Cryptography and SSL/TLS Toolkit
- Sablotron - XSLT processor written in C++
- 📧 [email protected]
- 🏠 Homepage (currently in German only)
- 🔗 LinkedIn Profile