Just like rostopic echo /your_topic
but with services.
Well, similarly.
You need to run it as root from a machine that is either doing the service calls or exposing the server. That's because it internally uses scapy to sniff network packets.
To be able to see the deserialized messages you need the messages installed. You'll get a nice blob of random characters otherwise (plaintext is readable!).
Possible future TODO: rosservicebag record/play
maybe. With the work in message_thief, rosduct and maybe rosimport it should be not that hard.
rosrun rosservice_echo rosservice_echo.py /service_name [-v]
The service name must be existing at the moment. -v
is for (VERY) verbose output.
Meanwhile I don't release this (should I?) you can do:
mkdir -p rosservice_echo_ws/src
cd rosservice_echo_ws/src
git clone https://github.com/uts-magic-lab/rosservice_echo
cd ..
rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src
# Or sudo apt-get install python-scapy
source devel/setup.bash
Shell 1:
Shell 2:
# In the shell that you did
# source rosservice_echo_ws/devel/setup.bash
rosrun rosservice_echo rosservice_echo.py /rosout/get_loggers
Shell 3:
rosservice call /rosout/get_loggers "{}"
The output from rosservice_echo
will be:
name: ros
level: info
name: ros.roscpp
level: info
name: ros.roscpp.roscpp_internal
level: info
name: ros.roscpp.superdebug
level: warn
To find an example of the verbose output check README_echo_verbose.md.
# sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-pr2-simulator
roslaunch pr2_gazebo pr2_empty_world.launch
Try rosservice list
and see if you see anything interesting.
I tried and apparently there is stuff doing service calls non stop very very fast (and I was using a slow computer) and I could not deserialize the messages (I use a very lame non-state-based technique), but it did show the traffic!