curl -L "" -O
unzip "./" -d ./
rm "./"
cd "/root/7_Days_To_Die_Dedicated_Server/Minimal_setup/"
bash ./start-all.bash
# bash ./1.ubuntu-install-steamcmd-7dtd.bash
rm -rf "./7_Days_To_Die_Dedicated_Server/"
apt -y install p7zip-full p7zip-rar
7z a "./" "./7_Days_To_Die_Dedicated_Server/"
tar -czvf Minimal_setup.tar.gz 7_Days_To_Die_Dedicated_Server
su steam
bash announce_server_about_update
Latest steam effort 2024
curl -L | bash
Subdomain suggestions: 7dtd or 7days
Control Panel:
A link to the server can be introduced like this:
While the game is running these can be used to connect to the server:
While the game is not running this way is possible as well
Link click stats: - seem to have the most development and linux-rewrite.bash - might be earlier versions. and linux-rewrite.bash, I think you need to switch to the steam
user and only then execute the script.
Kitty (putty fork) and Cyberduck might be useful, remember to use sftp instead of ftp on Cyberduck.
Extract into the root home directory
and launch it without su steam:
bash ./ubuntu-install-steamcmd-7dtd.bash
use top
command to check process and see RAM usage of the server instances
When as root user, use su steam
and type screen -r
to get into the server screen session.
When as steam user type exit
to return to root user.
To list all the sessions while being not steam user, but as a root
ls -laR /var/run/screen/
To join a session with root user
screen -r steam/7DaysToDie_GameServer
screen -r steam
To kill the session as steam user
screen -XS 7DaysToDie_GameServer quit
To kill the session as root user
screen -XS "steam/7DaysToDie_GameServer" quit
Note that this command doesn't work if the session is password protected.
Type top
into the ssh terminal and look at the CPU usage. The CPU usage is percentage sum of multicore.
Press 1
on a keyboard to get the information about general usage of CPU cores.
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\7DaysToDie_Data
Search for .txt log files named like: output_log__2021-07-13__10-52-30.txt