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@patric-eberle patric-eberle released this 29 Sep 07:51
  • (Breaking) Changes the query hash in the webpack config to a file hash by default to prevent proxy caching.
  • (Feature) Adds 'isMobile' computed to the '$viewport' helper/tools.
  • (Change) Changes remote asset protocols to https to prevent security exceptions on styleguide server.
  • (Change) Reverts router mode to 'history' for styleguide build.
  • (Change) Replaces relative imports with alias based ones.
  • (Change) Adds postcss as standalone NPM package because it is no longer a dependency of the postcss-loader.
  • (Change) Updates roadmap in readme file.
  • (Update) Updates all NPM packages to the current version. Except:
    • babel-core because it is still needed by jest/vue-jest
    • babel-eslint because of the issue babel/babel-eslint#815
    • vue-js-modal because version 2.0 is not ready