Version: 1.0.0 (02-21-2017)
Usage: ./rain_tool.bin -b trace_path -s index -e index [-h] [-o stats.csv] [-mix] {-lt|-wt} [-bin path/binary]
This program implements the RAIn (Region Appraisal Infrastructure) and can be used to investigate region formation strategies for dynamic binary translators. For more information, please, read: Zinsly, R. "Region formation techniques for the design of efficient virtual machines". MsC Thesis. Institute of Computing, 2013 (in portuguese). The tool takes as input a trace of instructions, emulate the formation and execution of regions, and generates statistics about the region formation techniques. The input trace may be store in multiple files, each one containing a sub-sequence of the trace. Each file is named BASENAME.INDEX.bin.gz, where trace_path is the trace_path of the trace and INDEX indicates the sequence of the trace. The user must provide the trace_path (-b), the start index (-s) and the end index (-e).
- -b : input file trace_path
- -bin : input binary file path
- -d : depth limit for NETPlus
- -e : end: last file index
- -h : display the help message
- -lt : linux trace. System/user address threshold = 0xB2D05E00
- -mix : Allow user and system code in the same NET regions.
- -overall_stats : file name to dump overall statistics in CSV format
- -reg_stats : file name to dump regions statistics in CSV format
- -s : start: first file index
- -t : RF Technique
- -wt : windows trace. System/user address threshold = 0xF9CCD8A1C5080000
- @eborin Edson Borin ([email protected])
- @rzinsly Raphael Zinsly ([email protected])
- @vandersonmr Vanderson M. Rosario ([email protected])
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.