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Support for Date and Time Types

Vassil Kovatchev edited this page Mar 18, 2018 · 1 revision

Note: Direct DATETIME and DATE matching support was introduced in Slacker version 1.0.22.

Slacker can match resultsets which contain DATETIME or DATE values with the contents of a CSV file under the following conditions:


DATETIME matching is supported for both odbc and the tiny_tds connections.

The expected value in CSV should be in the following form: 20011-01-24 17:00:24 or 20011-01-24


DATE matching is supported for only for tiny_tds connections.

The expected value in CSV should be in the following form: 20011-01-24.

When using odbc, convert the date to a character form at the select statement and then compare with the string in the CSV file.


TIME comparison is not supported. When you need to compare TIME, convert it to a character form at the select statement and then compare with the string in the CSV file.