- Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/vasudev-sharma/DeepEEG-Forecast
cd EEG-Forecast
- Set up Virtual Environment
virtualenv eeg_env --python=3.6
source eeg_env/bin/activate
- Now, in the terminal run
bash install_files.sh
5 subjects EEG data downsampled at 160Hz
Each subject has
- 64 channels
- 192 trials
- 840 time points (5.25s)
Data can be found here - https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1_gV6t5f2FDWo8OYTcAxsDxz4yhRcYKU0?usp=sharing
We ❤️ contributions. Feel free to send us a PR or raise an issue.
- Create an issue if there is one.
- Fork the repo.
- Create your feature branch (
git checkout -b your-feature
). - Add and commit your changes (
git commit -am 'message'
). - Push the branch (
git push origin your-feature
). - Create a new Pull Request.
- Add instructions in readme to perform all the 3 tasks
- Implement Attention model
- Implement ESRNN model
- Deploy the model
- Refactor Code