AI-powered HR decision-making assistant
Here're some of the project's best features:
- Highly intuitive dashboard
- personalized graphical analysis
- analysis of dataset
- custom portfolio upload and processing
- ranking based on parameters
- HR login and Auth
- summary from generative AI APIs
1. Clone the repository :
git clone
2. setup the Frontend :
cd dashboard
npm install
3. setup the server
cd server
node server.js
cd ../data
node addApplicant.js
4. Python files
might need to setup venv for linux
Alternatively :
cd server
chmod +x
chmod +x
chmod +x
Technologies used in the project:
- node.js
- python
- mongoDB
- react.js
- pandas
- NLPs
- matplotlib
- Sentiment-Analysis
Made with ❤️ by TensorTitans