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Feature extractor for cslr_limsi


  • All scripts have to be run from the main folder (cslr_limsi_features).
  • The whole pipeline uses three Anaconda virtual Python environment (see below). Their names are stored in scripts/virtual_env_names/.
  • Uses:
    • OpenPose
    • Oscar Koller's Deep Hand model
    • Adrian Bulat's Face Alignment model
    • A 2D to 3D body skeleton reconstruction model, inspired from Ruiqi Zhao's model. Train and test code is in scripts/utils/reconstruction/


Open your shell, go to the cslr_limsi_features folder, and execute `./'.


  • Openpose 1.2.0, tested with CUDA8.0
  • Three virtual Python environments. You can probably use the three .yml files and/or the three requirements_***.txt files at the root of the repo to reproduce them, or you can simply run the following commands:
    • cslr_limsi_features_env1:
      • conda create --name cslr_limsi_features_env1 python=3.7
      • conda install numpy
      • conda install scipy=1.1.0
      • conda install pillow
      • conda install pytorch=0.4.1 cuda80 -c pytorch
      • pip install dlib
      • conda install scikit-image
      • conda install opencv-python
      • conda install scikit-learn
    • cslr_limsi_features_env2:
      • conda create --name cslr_limsi_features_env2 python=3.6
      • conda install tensorflow-gpu=1.2.1
      • pip install keras=0.3.2
      • conda install pillow
      • conda install scipy=1.1.0
    • cslr_limsi_features_env3 (used with Caffe):
      • conda create --name cslr_limsi_features_env3 python=2.7
      • conda install pillow
      • conda install numpy
      • conda install scipy=1.1.0
  • Caffe, tested with Python 2.7. It should be possible to install Caffe with Python 3, and thus use only cslr_limsi_features_env1 and cslr_limsi_features_env2. It might be necessary to add Caffe to PATH before running the scripts, for instance by executing this in shell:
export CAFFE_ROOT=/people/belissen/caffe/
export PYTHONPATH=/people/belissen/caffe/distribute/python:$PYTHONPATH
export PYTHONPATH=/people/belissen/caffe/python:$PYTHONPATH
  • Setting the absolute paths correctly in script/paths/...
  • Put your video files in videos (or change script/paths/path_to_videos.txt to where your videos are stored

Main scripts

  • Runs all scripts in scripts/ for all videos inside videos/, then normalizes final features with respect to the average and standard deviation of features computed for all videos
  • Calls:
    • for each video
  • Parameters:
    • --fps: Framerate per second (all videos are supposed to be recorded at the same framerate)
    • --framesExt: Frame files extension for ffmpeg
    • -n, --nDigits: Number of digits for frame numbering (if n=5, frames are number 00000.jpg, 00001.jpg, etc.)
    • --body3D: 3D Body computed
    • --face3D: 3D Face computed
    • --hs: Hand shapes probabilities (Koller cafe model)
    • --keep_full_frames: if you want not to delete full frames after all features are computed
    • --keep_hand_crop_frames: if you want not to delete hand crop frames after all features are computed
    • --keep_openpose_json: if you want not to delete openpose json files after all features are computed
    • --keep_temporary_features: if you want not to delete temporary features all final features are computed
  • Outputs:
    • See detail of other scripts
  • Example: ./ --fps 25 --framesExt jpg -n 5 --body3D --face3D --hs --keep_full_frames --keep_hand_crop_frames --keep_openpose_json --keep_temporary_features

  • Runs all scripts in scripts/ for one video inside videos/
  • Calls:
    • scripts/
    • scripts/
    • scripts/ (if --face3D, see parameters)
    • scripts/
    • scripts/ (if --hs, see parameters)
    • scripts/
    • scripts/ (if --hs, see parameters)
    • scripts/ (for 2D features, as well as for 3D ones if --body3D and --face3D)
  • Parameters:
    • -v, --vidName: Video name without extension
    • --vidExt: Video file extension
    • --fps: Framerate per second
    • --framesExt: Frame files extension for ffmpeg
    • -n, --nDigits: Number of digits for frame numbering (if n=5, frames are number 00000.jpg, 00001.jpg, etc.)
    • --body3D: 3D Body computed
    • --face3D: 3D Face computed
    • --hs: Hand shapes probabilities (Koller cafe model)
    • --keep_full_frames: if you want not to delete full frames after all features are computed
    • --keep_hand_crop_frames: if you want not to delete hand crop frames after all features are computed
    • --keep_openpose_json: if you want not to delete openpose json files after all features are computed
    • --keep_temporary_features: if you want not to delete temporary features all final features are computed
  • Outputs:
    • See detail of other scripts
  • Example: ./ -v test_video_1 --vidExt mp4 --fps 25 --framesExt jpg -n 5 --handOP --faceOP --body3D --face3D --hs --keep_full_frames --keep_hand_crop_frames --keep_openpose_json --keep_temporary_features
  • If some videos include left handed signers, you should create a .csv file (similar to left_handed/left_handed_dictasign.csv), with the name of your videos (without extensions) and 0/1 for right-handed/left-handed signers. The path to this .csv file should be set accordingly in scripts/paths/path_to_left_handed_list.txt).

Included scripts


  • Converts any video to frames, in a separate folder inside frames/full/
  • Parameters:
    • -v, --vidName: Video name without extension
    • --vidExt: Video file extension
    • --framesExt: Frame files extension for ffmpeg
    • -n, --nDigits: Number of digits for frame numbering (if n=5, frames are number 00000.jpg, 00001.jpg, etc.)
  • Outputs:
    • frames/full/vidName/00001.jpg
    • ...
    • frames/full/vidName/07342.jpg (if the video contains 7342 frames)


  • Converts any video to openpose data, in a separate folder inside features/openpose/
  • Parameters:
    • -v, --vidName: Video name without extension
    • --vidExt: Video file extension
  • Outputs:
    • features/openpose/vidName/keypoints_json000000000000.json
    • ...
    • features/openpose/vidName/keypoints_json000000007341.json (if the video contains 7342 frames)


  • Converts all frames of any video to a numpy file containing the 3D coordinates of face landmarks (Adrian Bulat's FaceAlignment model). Data is centered around the mid-point between eyes, and normalized by the average distance between eyes.
  • Calls scripts/utils/, with the virtual environment defined in scripts/virtual_env_names/vEnv_for_3DFace.txt (default is cslr_limsi_features_env1)
  • Parameters:
    • -v, --vidName: Video name without extension
    • --framesExt: Frame files extension for ffmpeg
    • -n, --nDigits: Number of digits for frame numbering (if n=5, frames are number 00000.jpg, 00001.jpg, etc.)
  • Outputs:
    • features/temp/vidName_3DFace_predict_raw_temp.npy


  • Cleans openpose data of any video (basically interpolating NaN values), and assembles this data to a numpy (npz) file, with 4 arrays (a3 for body, b3 for head, c3 and d3 for hands).
  • Calls scripts/utils/, with the virtual environment defined in scripts/virtual_env_names/vEnv_for_clean_numpy.txt (default is cslr_limsi_features_env1)
  • Parameters:
    • -v, --vidName: Video name without extension
  • Outputs:
    • features/openpose/vidName_openpose_clean.npz


  • Generate hand crop images (in a separate folder inside frames/hand/) using openpose clean data and original images
  • Calls scripts/utils/, with the virtual environment defined in scripts/virtual_env_names/vEnv_for_hand_crops.txt (default is cslr_limsi_features_env1)
  • Parameters:
    • -v, --vidName: Video name without extension
    • --framesExt: Frame files extension for ffmpeg - -n, --nDigits: Number of digits for frame numbering (if n=5, frames are number 00000.jpg, 00001.jpg, etc.)
  • Outputs:
    • frames/hand/vidName/00001_L.png
    • frames/hand/vidName/00001_R.png
    • ...
    • frames/hand/vidName/07342_L.png
    • frames/hand/vidName/07342_R.png (if the video contains 7342 frames)


  • Getting coherent 2D/3D data for body/face/hands from openpose cleaned file, prediction model and 3D face estimation
  • Calls scripts/utils/, with the virtual environment defined in scripts/virtual_env_names/vEnv_for_2D_3D.txt (default is cslr_limsi_features_env2)
  • Parameters:
    • -v, --vidName: Video name without extension
    • --body3D: 3D Body computed too
    • --face3D: 3D Face computed too
  • Outputs:
    • features/temp/vidName_2DBody.npy
    • features/temp/vidName_2DHands.npz
    • features/temp/vidName_2DFace.npy
    • features/temp/vidName_headAngles_from_3DBody.npy
    • features/temp/vidName_3DBody.npy: 3D body estimate from model trained on LSF Mocap data, predicted from 2D openpose data
    • features/temp/vidName_3DFace_predict_raw.npy


  • Computes Koller's model probabilities for 61 hand shapes, for each frame and each hand of a given video
  • Calls:
    • scripts/utils/, with the virtual environment defined in scripts/virtual_env_names/vEnv_for_HS_probabilities.txt (default is cslr_limsi_features_env3)
  • Parameters:
    • -v, --vidName: Video name without extension
    • -n, --nDigits: Number of digits for frame numbering (if n=5, frames are number 00000.jpg, 00001.jpg, etc.)
  • Outputs:
    • features/temp/vidName_HS_probs_L.npy
    • features/temp/vidName_HS_probs_R.npy


  • Computes (un-normalized) final features, with 2D or 3D, raw or preprocessed features for body and face, and hand shape probabilities, openpose 2D data or both for hands data.
  • Calls scripts/utils/, with the virtual environment defined in scripts/virtual_env_names/vEnv_for_final_features.txt (default is cslr_limsi_features_env1)
  • Parameters:
    • -v, --vidName: Video name without extension
    • --fps: Framerate per second
    • --load3D: when 3D body and 3D face have been computed, final 3D features can be derived
    • --hs: Hand shapes probabilities (Koller cafe model)
  • Outputs:
    • features/final/vidName_bodyFace_2D_raw_hands_None.npy
    • features/final/vidName_bodyFace_2D_raw_hands_HS.npy (if --hs)
    • features/final/vidName_bodyFace_2D_raw_hands_OP.npy
    • features/final/vidName_bodyFace_2D_raw_hands_OP_HS.npy (if --hs)
    • features/final/vidName_bodyFace_2D_features_hands_None.npy
    • features/final/vidName_bodyFace_2D_features_hands_HS.npy (if --hs)
    • features/final/vidName_bodyFace_2D_features_hands_OP.npy
    • features/final/vidName_bodyFace_2D_features_hands_OP_HS.npy (if --hs)
    • features/final/vidName_bodyFace_3D_raw_hands_None.npy (if --load3D and --hs)
    • features/final/vidName_bodyFace_3D_raw_hands_HS.npy (if --load3D and --hs)
    • features/final/vidName_bodyFace_3D_raw_hands_OP.npy (if --load3D)
    • features/final/vidName_bodyFace_3D_raw_hands_OP_HS.npy (if --load3D and --hs)
    • features/final/vidName_bodyFace_3D_features_hands_None.npy (if --load3D)
    • features/final/vidName_bodyFace_3D_features_hands_HS.npy (if --load3D and --hs)
    • features/final/vidName_bodyFace_3D_features_hands_OP.npy (if --load3D)
    • features/final/vidName_bodyFace_3D_features_hands_OP_HS.npy (if --load3D and --hs)


  • Computes normalized final features from un-normalized ones, with 2D or 3D, raw or preprocessed features for body and face, and hand shape probabilities, openpose 2D data or both for hands data. The script considers that all un-normalized features have already been computed, for all videos present in the folder defined in script/paths/path_to_videos.txt (default is videos). Make sure the extensions of your video files are included in the list videoExtensionsat the beginning of scripts/utils/
  • This script computes the average and standard deviation for all features across all videos, then normalizes everything with the simple formula data=(data-avg)/stdev. However, note that a few features are left un-normalized: all hand shape probabilities, as they are already bounded in [0,1], and all hand keypoint confidence score (provided by openpose), for the same reason.
  • The script also provides average and standard deviation as outputs, for future use.
  • Calls scripts/utils/, with the virtual environment defined in scripts/virtual_env_names/vEnv_for_final_features.txt (default is cslr_limsi_features_env1)
  • Parameters:
    • --load3D: when 3D body and 3D face have been computed, final 3D features can be derived
    • --hs: Hand shapes probabilities (Koller cafe model)
  • Outputs:
    • for each video, with name vidName:
      • features/final/vidName_bodyFace_2D_raw_hands_None_normalized.npy
      • features/final/vidName_bodyFace_2D_raw_hands_HS_normalized.npy (if --hs)
      • features/final/vidName_bodyFace_2D_raw_hands_OP_normalized.npy
      • features/final/vidName_bodyFace_2D_raw_hands_OP_HS_normalized.npy (if --hs)
      • features/final/vidName_bodyFace_2D_features_hands_None_normalized.npy
      • features/final/vidName_bodyFace_2D_features_hands_HS_normalized.npy (if --hs)
      • features/final/vidName_bodyFace_2D_features_hands_OP_normalized.npy
      • features/final/vidName_bodyFace_2D_features_hands_OP_HS_normalized.npy (if --hs)
      • features/final/vidName_bodyFace_3D_raw_hands_None_normalized.npy (if --load3D and --hs)
      • features/final/vidName_bodyFace_3D_raw_hands_HS_normalized.npy (if --load3D and --hs)
      • features/final/vidName_bodyFace_3D_raw_hands_OP_normalized.npy (if --load3D)
      • features/final/vidName_bodyFace_3D_raw_hands_OP_HS_normalized.npy (if --load3D and --hs)
      • features/final/vidName_bodyFace_3D_features_hands_None_normalized.npy (if --load3D)
      • features/final/vidName_bodyFace_3D_features_hands_HS_normalized.npy (if --load3D and --hs)
      • features/final/vidName_bodyFace_3D_features_hands_OP_normalized.npy (if --load3D)
      • features/final/vidName_bodyFace_3D_features_hands_OP_HS_normalized.npy (if --load3D and --hs)
    • bodyFace_2D_features_hands_HS-AVERAGE.npy
    • bodyFace_2D_features_hands_HS-STDEV.npy (if --hs)
    • bodyFace_2D_features_hands_None-AVERAGE.npy
    • bodyFace_2D_features_hands_None-STDEV.npy
    • bodyFace_2D_features_hands_OP_HS-AVERAGE.npy (if --hs)
    • bodyFace_2D_features_hands_OP_HS-STDEV.npy (if --hs)
    • bodyFace_2D_raw_hands_HS-AVERAGE.npy (if --hs)
    • bodyFace_2D_raw_hands_HS-STDEV.npy (if --hs)
    • bodyFace_2D_raw_hands_None-AVERAGE.npy
    • bodyFace_2D_raw_hands_None-STDEV.npy
    • bodyFace_2D_raw_hands_OP-AVERAGE.npy
    • bodyFace_2D_raw_hands_OP_HS-AVERAGE.npy (if --hs)
    • bodyFace_2D_raw_hands_OP_HS-STDEV.npy (if --hs)
    • bodyFace_2D_raw_hands_OP-STDEV.npy
    • bodyFace_3D_features_hands_HS-AVERAGE.npy (if --load3D and --hs)
    • bodyFace_3D_features_hands_HS-STDEV.npy (if --load3D and --hs)
    • bodyFace_3D_features_hands_None-AVERAGE.npy (if --load3D)
    • bodyFace_3D_features_hands_None-STDEV.npy (if --load3D)
    • bodyFace_3D_features_hands_OP-AVERAGE.npy (if --load3D)
    • bodyFace_3D_features_hands_OP_HS-AVERAGE.npy (if --load3D and --hs)
    • bodyFace_3D_features_hands_OP_HS-STDEV.npy (if --load3D and --hs)
    • bodyFace_3D_features_hands_OP-STDEV.npy (if --load3D)
    • bodyFace_3D_raw_hands_HS-AVERAGE.npy (if --load3D and --hs)
    • bodyFace_3D_raw_hands_HS-STDEV.npy (if --load3D and --hs)
    • bodyFace_3D_raw_hands_None-AVERAGE.npy (if --load3D)
    • bodyFace_3D_raw_hands_None-STDEV.npy (if --load3D)
    • bodyFace_3D_raw_hands_OP-AVERAGE.npy (if --load3D)
    • bodyFace_3D_raw_hands_OP_HS-AVERAGE.npy (if --load3D and --hs)
    • bodyFace_3D_raw_hands_OP_HS-STDEV.npy (if --load3D and --hs)
    • bodyFace_3D_raw_hands_OP-STDEV.npy (if --load3D)


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