An application that provide users to share the gorgeous ocean with other, but while the place getting polluted, we co-host event to save this ocean together.
Click on link
- Make sure your flutter / dart environment is above 3.16.9 / 3.2.6
- if you are Ios user, make sure your ios version is 10 or higher
- if you are android user, make sure your android version / compileSDK is 12 / 34 or higher
We go to 6 different beaches in person to list out what problem users are facing. And due to the policy of ' 淨灘合作社' in New Taipei City, we classify users by visitor and store
六塊厝 | 白沙灣 | 深奧鐵道自行車 | 象鼻岩 | 台北港 | 淺水灣 |
- Visitors leave trash in front of my store without calling 'Environmental Protection Agency', and it smells unpleasant.
- app : we provide phone number of agency, users can click a button then navigator page to notice agency come to bring out the trash.
- To many visitors come in same time, but we don't have that much cleaning tools.
- We only publish notification to those user that close to the place or those who allow any notification so that we can control the stream of visitors to borrow tools.
- We wanted to clean up this beach while visiting, but we didn't bring the clean tools.
- app : search nearby specific store with tag in map to borrow.
- The ocean is wide, I cannot tidy up this place by myself.
- app : publish post and send notifications to users close to you, pick up a time to clean it up together !
- I want to search a beautiful place to take a rest
- app : we classify ocean with 5 degrees, while other user publish post with no pollution ocean, we will notify user come to visit.
- publish post and host event to clean up beach
- navigate to specific ocean
- notification while publishing post and determine who to receive it by distance
- searching nearby store by map with tags
- whether the ocean is clean recognition using ML
Home Page | Search Store | Host Event Page | Search Event Page |
Profile Page | Login Page | Register Page | Click On Tag |
Whenever you saw any polluted ocean or gorgeous beach in New Taipei City, you can take a picture and make a post to invite others come to visit or clean up this ocean together.
- Publish Post
- post with your current location and picture
- Our AI model will determine whether the ocean is clean or not so as to send notification to other users.
- Navigator to the post location by map in the app
- Interact with other users (scrolling others post and leave with your like)
- open Google Map to search nearby store in order to borrow gloves or other cleaning tools.
- The Map is already tag collaborated stores
- Our app will send notification by rules below
- send to user that close to the sender location
- driving cost less than 30 mins (car)
- user who allow any notification
- send to user that close to the sender location
- Notification will send with below information
- location
- simple description about this location
- how far away by this place
Examples ...
- Flutter / Dart
- Firebase
- Storage
- Firestore
- Authentication
- Google Map Platform
- Teachable Machine
- App
- Flutter / Dart
- NotificationService
- flutter_local_notifications
- firebase
- Distance / Location Service
- Google Map Platform
- Distance Matrix API
- Geocoding API
- Google Map Platform
- Posts
- Firebase
- AI Model
- Teachable Machine