This is a free and open source work based on HTML, CSS and JavaScript That helps the student of Gujarat Technological University(GTU) to provide them study materials like gtu syllabus, books, previous years question paper of various semesters.
go to the website homepage, there you will see many semesters' option, then you can select the semester that you are in. you will find all the subjects that are in that semester and the material related to that. you can just simpley download the material you want by clicking on it.
- Fork the project using the gray
button in the top right of this page. - Click on the green
button, then either the HTTPS or SSH option and, click the icon to copy the URL. Now you have a copy of the project. Thus, you can play around with it locally on your computer. - Run the following commands into a terminal window (Command Prompt, Powershell, Terminal, Bash, ZSH). Do this to download the forked copy of this repository to your computer.
git clone
- Switch to the cloned folder. You can paste this command into the same terminal window.
do the changes that is required and the reason of why you forked this at first place. for example to solve to issue.
stage your changes
git add .
- Commit the changes.
git commit -m "Add <title your change>"
- Check the status of your repository.
git status
- pushing your repository to Github
git push
go back into your github forked repository and create a pull request.
and after if you get approved by the maintainers of this repository for the changes you made, voila! you made your contribution.
if you get into any problems and errors while doing any process feel free to connect with us via discussion. connect with people to ask questions and suggest your new ideas to make the website more better.
thank you for coming here!