In this project, we have implemented a social media scrapper for select supported websites and also pre-processed the extracted content. The project is built using snscrape. Kindly refer to Download section in the file of the linked github page for help in installing it.
- Supported Websites: Twitter, Reddit
- Supported Features for Twitter:
- Scrape tweets from a particular User, or any searches
- Incase, of searches either the tweets can be extracted either in latest or top order.
- The follwoing things are extracted: ['Unique ID', 'Date', 'User', 'Tweet', 'Preproccesed Tweet']
- Supported Features for Reddit:
- This code can scrape comments/posts from a particular User, Sub-reddit or any searches.
- For Comments/Posts the following data are extracted:
- ['Unique ID', 'Date', 'Sub-reddit', 'Author', 'Title/Comment', 'Preprocessed Title/Comment']
- Incase of Posts Title is extracted, and for Comments the Comment(body) is extracted.
- Preprocessing the data: The pre-processing involves removing URLS, expanding contractions, lower-casing all the texts, removing punctuations, removing numbers, removing extra white spaces, removing stop words, replacing emojis with words (implemented using emoji), lemmantizing the words. Any combinations of these pre-processing can be used depending on the use case.
- Storing the Extracted data into .csv files.
- Arnav Kumar Behera ([email protected])
- Vedanta Mohapatra ([email protected])