Visit : live demo
Username = venky
Password = 123
A hotel management system in which client can perform operations such as booking a room, event, marriage hall and either log in with their existing account or as a guest. It is possible for the clients to cancel the rooms that they had booked and the admin has control over the rooms allotted to the clients and can also manage client requests for rooms, event halls. From the admin side, admin can add newly developed rooms to the existing rooms in the hotel
- Install XAMPP web server
- Any Editor (Preferably VS Code or Brackets Text Editor)
- Any web browser with latest version(eg chrome)
- JavaScript (to create dynamically updating content)
- XAMPP (A web server by Apache Friends)
- Php
- MySQL (An RDBMS that uses SQL)
- FPDF (to generate PDFs)
- Download and install XAMPP in your machine
- Clone or download the repository
- Extract all the files and move it to the 'htdocs' folder of your XAMPP directory and extract the fpdf file in current folder (foldername is must be new).
- Start the Apache and Mysql in your XAMPP control panel.
- Open your web browser and type 'localhost/phpmyadmin'
- In phpmyadmin page, create a new database from the left panel and name it as 'hotelmanagement'
- Import the file 'hotelmanagement.sql' inside your newly created database and click ok.
- Open a new tab and type 'localhost/new' in the url of your browser.
- Hurray! That's it!
- XAMPP was installed on the windows and APACHE2 Server and MySQL were initialized. And, files were built inside C:\xampp\htdocs\hms
- Brackets was used as a text editor.
- Google Chrome Version 77.0.3865.90 was used to run the project (localhost/hms was used as the url).
The XAMPP Control Panel allows you to manually start and stop Apache and MySQL. To start Apache or MySQL manually, click the ‘Start’ button under ‘Actions’.