An experiment to let web pages access Apache Kafka through Javascript and WebSockets.
Start Apache Kafka, as described in the quickstart. The Zookeeper configuration in the server is not yet configurable, so it is important that it is running on the default port.
To start the server, run the main
method in the KafkaWebSocketServer
object. You can do this by
running SBT like this:
sbt "project server" run
To start the client, run the main
method in the ConsumerClientServer
. You can
do this by running SBT like this:
sbt "project client" run
Point your browser to localhost:8080. There is not really a UI yet, but check the Javascript console, and messages will appear as they are received.
To send messages, just use
bin/ --broker-list localhost:9092 --topic testing-topic
Each line you type will be echoed in the browser.