A collection of resources related to the Tsugaru-dialect.
I have tons of resources scattered all over the place. My goal is to try to consolidate links (URLs, DOIs, ISBNs, etc) to those resources here.
** Warning ** Links may change. I'll do my best to add Wayback Machine links if archived.
- https://tsugaruben.github.io/ The Matsunoki Treebank – a parsed corpus of Tsugaru-ben folktales
- https://tsugaruben.net/ Summary and and basic details about the dialect
- http://tgrb.jp/dic/ Tsugaru AI Project
- https://www2.ninjal.ac.jp/cojads/ COJADS (Wayback)
- http://www.a-get.co.jp/a-get/pc/rennsai/tugaru/tugaru_1.html (鳴海 助一) - 447 detailed entries of more difficult words Wayback http://ja7bal.la.coocan.jp/jiten.htm (Hidetaka Sato) 1422 word dictionary (日本語). The main site also has a wealth of cultural information (Wayback)
- https://www.weblio.jp/cat/dialect/tgrgj
- http://www.tsugarish.com/tgr_top.html
- http://www2d.biglobe.ne.jp/~oga/tsugaru/ben.html
- Making of the Yuu Corpus: Longitudinal Spontaneous Speech Data of a Japanese Boy CiNee
- 青森県における方言の地域差と世代差 ─津軽・南部地方境界地域の調査から─ (泉 ゆうき)
- Rendaku in Japanese Dialects That Retain Prenasalization (Timothy Vance et al.) ResearchGate
- 太宰小説の方言に関する計量的分析 (尾城 奈緒子, 入江 さやか, 金 明哲) J-STAGE
- "Regional and Generational Differences in Dialect in Aomori Prefecture" (Masayasu ODA and Yuki IZUMI) - study of differences between Aomori dialects CiNii
- "津軽方言の動詞活用体系について" (坂本 幸博) CiNii
- 津軽方言の命令表現 : 命令形と丁寧命令形および希求(依頼)について (坂本 幸博)
- 津軽方言のオノマトペ : 音韻構造を中心に (坂本 幸博)
- "「飴っこ」・「飴ちゃん」・「Bombonica」の指小辞" (櫛引, 祐希子) CiNii
- Agadamburi II
- 日本語と津軽弁―方言の持つ伝統の味わいとは (小笠原, 功) [9784873731339]
- 北海道・東北地方の方言(青森県の方言)
- 津軽弁死語辞典 (泉谷栄) [978-4-89297-037-5]
- NINJAL 津軽方言の動詞・形容詞 (大槻知世)