It's a full stack recreation of a real estate website. You can test it by clicking here
Important Note: As I use the free plan of Render, it takes the server 30 seconds to spin up again after a period of inactivity. You'll be able to see the ads that I added to the database in 30 seconds after you click on the link. Thank you for your patience!
## About the project
A small Nuxt 3 project with Tailwind, Bootstrap5 and Pinia. Test it here.
- Create an account, and check your profile page. Your token expires in 10s.
- Place a classified without registering.
- Find and filter properties according to your criteria.
MERN Stack (MongoDB, ExpressJS, ReactJS, NodeJS)
Front-end: Ant Design, Bootstrap, Formik, Yup, React Icons, React Router
Back-end: bcryptjs, cors, dotenv, firebase-admin, jsonwebtoken, mongoose, multer
Photo hosting: Cloud Storage for Firebase
Front-end hosting: Netlify
Back-end hosting: Render
My portfolio page:
Project Link: