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Kubernetes Operator for Tower Config

Simple Kubernetes Operator to Configure Ansible Tower by Red Hat.
This Operator is build using the operator framework, and will ensure the configuration of Ansible Tower and AWX based on Custom Resources Definitions describing the desired configurations.


All CRDs within this operator depend on a Secret being defined within the desired namespace and this secret name must be given along with any of the CRs that wish, the Secret itself has a particular k/v format:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: toweraccess
  namespace: myproject
  type: Opaque
  token: XXXXX
  verify_ssl: false

Use the built-in Makefile targets to build and push your operator. Make sure to define IMG when you call make:

make docker-build docker-push IMG=<some-registry>/<project-name>:<tag>

NOTE: To allow the cluster pull the image the repository needs to be set as public or you must configure an image pull secret.

Install the CRD and deploy the project to the cluster. Set IMG with make deploy to use the image you just pushed:

make install
make deploy IMG=<some-registry>/<project-name>:<tag>

Create a sample CR:

kubectl apply -f config/samples/tower_v1alpha1_organization.yaml


The following CRDs are implemented:

Custom Resource Definition Implementation Custom Resource Samples
Credentials credential Credential
CredentialInputSources credentialinputsource CredentialInputSource
CredentialTypes credentialtype CredentialType
Groups group Group
Inventories inventory Inventory
InventorySources inventorysource InventorySource
JobTemplates jobtemplate JobTemplate
Modules module Module
Organizations organization Organization
Projects project Project
Roles role Role
Teams team Team
Users user User

The following CRDs have the structure but are not yet fully implemented:

Custom Resource Definition Implementation Custom Resource Example
Notification notification
Schedule jobtemplate
WorkflowJobTemplateNode jobtemplate
WorkflowJobTemplate jobtemplate
WorkflowTemplate jobtemplate

The extra vars that are sent to Ansible are managed by the operator. The spec section will pass along the key-value pairs as extra vars. This is equivalent to how above extra vars are passed in to ansible-playbook. The operator also passes along additional variables under the ansible_operator_meta field for the name of the CR and the namespace of the CR.

For the CR example:

kind: Organization
  name: "organization-sample"
  secret: toweraccess
    name: "{{ }}"
    description: "sample"

The structure passed to Ansible as extra vars is:

{ "ansible_operator_meta": {
        "name": "<cr-name>",
        "namespace": "<cr-namespace>",
  "secret": "toweraccess",
  "config": {
    "name": "{{ }}",
    "description": "sample"
  "_tower_ansible_com_organization": {
     <Full CR>
  "_tower_ansible_com_organization_spec": {
     <Full CR .spec>

message and newParameter are set in the top level as extra variables, and ansible_operator_meta provides the relevant metadata for the Custom Resource as defined in the operator.


In this example we'll cover about how to create an organization in our Tower instance, using Organization CRD.
First we have to create generate a token in order to be able to access Tower. We can do so using curl, as per example below:

curl -XPOST -k -H "Content-type: application/json" -d '{"description":"Personal Tower CLI token", "application":null, "scope":"write"}' https://admin:[email protected]/api/v2/users/admin/personal_tokens/ | jq
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100   588  100   509  100    79    180     28  0:00:02  0:00:02 --:--:--   208
  "id": 3,
  "type": "o_auth2_access_token",
  "url": "/api/v2/tokens/3/",
  "related": {
    "user": "/api/v2/users/3/",
    "activity_stream": "/api/v2/tokens/3/activity_stream/"
  "summary_fields": {
    "user": {
      "id": 3,
      "username": "admin",
      "first_name": "",
      "last_name": ""
  "created": "2020-12-02T22:41:44.381981Z",
  "modified": "2020-12-02T22:41:44.745244Z",
  "description": "Personal Tower CLI token",
  "user": 3,
  "token": "LVckHx2g187SDdEAcUmsgUKjknFgWd",
  "refresh_token": null,
  "application": null,
  "expires": "3020-04-04T22:41:44.256763Z",
  "scope": "write"

NOTE: The jq is not required, it is used here just to help with a more human-readable output.

Based on the output, note that we have the token (LVckHx2g187SDdEAcUmsgUKjknFgWd) has been generated by Tower, so we can do API calls to Tower without having to share usernames and passwords. As general guideline, you shall consider creating one token per application accessing your Tower.

Now that we have the token to access tower, we need to create a secret in our Kubernetes environment, so the operator can use to communicate with our tower instances. The namespace corresponds to the namespace where the other CRs will be created, the name is the name for the secret, the token is the token generated by Tower in our previous command, and finally the verify_ssl is to specify if we want or not to verify the ssl certificate when doing api requests.

cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  namespace: ansible-platform
type: Opaque
  token: "LVckHx2g187SDdEAcUmsgUKjknFgWd"
  host: ""
  verify_ssl: "false"

NOTE: CRs will have an annotation with <host>

With the credentials, we can start to create the CRs which represents the different configurations that we want to have applied in Tower. The example below shows the most basic CRs, the Organization and Project.

kind: Organization
  name: organization-sample
    name: "{{ }}"
    description: "Organization"
kind: Project
  name: project-sample
    name: "{{ }}"
    scm_url: ""
    scm_delete_on_update: no
    scm_type: git
    scm_update_on_launch: true
    organization: "organization-sample"

You can save these CRs definitions in a single file, or in multiple files. Once they are saved, we use the kubectl command to apply them to our cluster.

kubectl apply -f <myfile>.yml

You can save these CRs definitions in files, organized in multilevel directories. Once they are saved, we use the kubectl command with the recursive option to apply them to our cluster.

kubectl apply -f <mydir>/ -R

NOTE: If you want to adopt a more gitops approach, and build a pipeline to get these definitions either in one or multiple clusters, that's exactly what i am doing in this example here.


  • Tests based on ansible-role-tower-config
  • Implementation of additional Tower CRDs: Settings, License, Workflow*
  • Add additional tasks to delete all dependent CRDs when organization is deleted (finalized).
  • Add strict mode capabilities, where only CRs configuration are kept.
  • Refine the CRDs specifications based on docstring of Tower's modules.
  • Refine the CRDs specifications based on the implementation asserts.



Author Information

Victor da Costa