Metaheuristics for a variant of VRP problem where vehicles are limited by a max. allowed distance, different among vehicles.
Num. vehicles = num. customers = nodes - 1 (the depot) All vehicles can reach at least the farthest node. That means that at worst solution 1 vehicle can serve 1 customer.
Before running the programm, install python=3.8 and the required libraries listed in requirements.txt file.
pip install -r requirements.txt
Distances between nodes were obtained from the samples provided by: Particularly, for the original dataset used to solve VRPCD:
To generate the max. distance that a vehicle can travel, a file with the same format as the ones used to set distances (dist_X.txt) is needed. After placing that kind of files in one directory, the following command has to be run to obtain the distances for vehicles:
python veh --din ${PATH_TO_DISTANCE_FILES}
To run the problem getting on one single instance, use the following command:
python solve --din *path_to_directory* --problem *problem_number* --metaheu *type_of_metaheuristic* --niter *iterations_per_search* --init *type_initialization* --memory *memory_size_for_tabu_search* --maxs *max_running_seconds* --log *type_of_debug*
Where the options are:
--din: path to the directory where files with distances between nodes and for vehicles are located. This files should follow reg. exp. dist_NUMBER.txt and veh_dist_NUMBER.txt
--problem: Number of the problem instance to be solved, i.e. the NUMBER in the dist_NUMBER.txt files. By default: 0.
--metaheu: comma-separed list of metaheuristics which are going to be compare. Options: ls (local search); ts (tabu search); vnd; bvns
--niter: Number of iters per each local search. By default 10.
--search: decides between greedy search ('greedy') or anxious search ('anxious'). By default: greedy.
--init: dedices whether to init randomly ('random'), one customer to one client ('one2one'), a group of nodes ('group'). By default: random.
--memory: length of the memory for TS, otherwise ignored. By default 0.
--maxs: max. seconds an algorithm will run. By default 3.0s.
--log: Log level: DEBUG, INFO, CRITICAL. By default: CRITICAL.
The result of this execution will show the solution cost and the solution routes.
python solve --din ./my_data --problem 0 --metaheu bvns --niter 10 --search anxious --init random --maxs 5 --log INFO
python solve --din ./my_data --problem 0 --metaheu ts --niter 10 --search anxious --init random --memory 15 --maxs 5 --log CRITICAL
To run a set of problems and obtain a .csv the following command should be executed:
python testbench --din *path_to_directory* --metaheu *comma_separated_list_of_metaheu* --niter *iterations_per_search* --search *type_of_search*
--init *type_initialization* --memory *memory_size_for_tabu_search* --maxs *max_running_seconds* --times4ave *times_for_average* --log *type_of_logging*
Where the options are:
--din: path to the directory where files with distances between nodes and for vehicles are located. This files should follow reg. exp. dist_NUMBER.txt and veh_dist_NUMBER.txt
--metaheu: comma-separed list of metaheuristics which are going to be compare. Options: ls (local search); ts (tabu search); vnd; bvns
--niter: Number of iters per each local search. By default 10.
--search: decides between greedy search ('greedy') or anxious search ('anxious').
--init: dedices whether to init randomly ('random'), one customer to one client ('one2one'), a group of nodes ('group'). By default: random.
--memory: length of the memory for TS, otherwise ignored. By default 0.
--maxs: max. seconds an algorithm will run. By default 3.0s.
--times4ave: number of times a problem instances is solved, to get an average of the solutions
--log: Log level: DEBUG, INFO, CRITICAL. By default: CRITICAL.
python testbench --din ./my_data/30nodes --metaheu ls,vnd,bvns,ts --niter 10 --search greedy --init group --memory 10 --maxs 1 --times4ave 100 --log CRITICAL
The result of this execution will be a .csv, stored in path_to_directory where each column will be the values obtained after time_for_average executions of each metaheuristic:
LS_average_execution_time ; LS_average_cost ; LS_best_cost ; VND_average_execution_time ; VND_average_cost ; VND_best_cost ; ...
... BVNS_average_execution_time; BVNS_average_cost; BVNS_best_cost; Tabu_average_execution_time; Tabu_average_cost ; Tabu_best_cost
There are two scripts to run several examples at once. For memory size analysis: For metaheuristics comparison: In the directory ./results the output files of the execution of this script can be found. Apart from that, individual .ods files have been added, where graphs based on the obtained info are displayed. A Summary.ods gathers all this information and add new graphs comparing results between executions with different parameters.
From VRP root folder invoke: python -m pytest test