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Folders and files

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Repository files navigation

This is the back-end solution project, implemented with the Clean Architecture pattern as a software architectural design approach. The code design is very clean, utilizing the latest .NET Core 8, and it's an API, making it accessible to multiple users. We have different layers, such as the Domain layer where the models reside, the Application layer where the business logic is implemented, and so on. The unit of work methods are straightforward, and in a real-case scenario they should be more advanced, utilizing delegates to handle operations.

There are some things that I whould do better, like for instance when I check the name for duplicates. I have GetAll and that reads all the data in memory, and then I do filter on the whole data. Maybe a better aproach will be to have general method for all repositories that looks like this:

public bool Exists(Expression<Func<TEntity, bool>> filter = null)
        IQueryable<TEntity> query = dbSet;
        var result = query.Any(filter);
        return result;

the dbSet will be the table, or the model. The query will look something like this:

var existingItem = _fileRepository.Exists(x => x.Label.ToLower() == trimedCellItem[2].ToLower().ToString());
  • The business logic, as I understood from the task, processes only the valid rows, so the other rows are jumped.
  • In case we have two cities, one in our database, and the other in our .txt file, we update that city, modifying only the number or the value. To me, it doesn't make sense to have two bars or two records with the same city.


  1. Download the code - Clone the repository or download the zip file

  2. Change the connection string - In the WebAPI project in the appsettings.json file enter your server name and name of the database.

  3. Go into the Package Manager Console and type: Add-Migration "Init"

    !IMPORTANT - Make sure that your WebAPI is Set as Startup Project, and in the Package Manager Console your Default project is Data in Infrastructure folder.

    • this will create folder Migrations in Data class library project, with the migration.
  4. When this is done, just type in the Package Manager Console: Update-Database

    • this will create the database with you database name and the models.
  5. Run the project


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