Felles Java moduler som løser vanlige problemer som f.eks kafka, token exchange, logging, observability etc...
Hver av modulene er laget for å løse et spesifikt behov og man kan plukke og mikse de modulene man trenger etter behov.
Modulene blir publisert til https://jitpack.io. For at maven/gradle skal hente modulene fra riktig sted så må følgende settes opp.
<!-- Legger til central eksplisitt for prioritet over jitpack -->
repositories {
// Legger til central eksplisitt for prioritet over jitpack
maven { url "https://jitpack.io" }
Etter dette er gjort kan man legge til de modulene som man trenger, eksemplet nedenfor viser hvordan man trekker inn token-client-modulen:
For å finne siste release versjon av common-java-modules, se https://github.com/navikt/common-java-modules/releases.
Versjonene er på følgende format: YYYY.MM.DD_HH.mm-SHA
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.navikt.common-java-modules:client:INSERT_LATEST_VERSION'
Audit logging on NAIS. Contains code and logback config to make it easy to write audit logs.
High-level abstractions built on-top of org.apache.kafka.kafka-clients
to prevent common mistakes when dealing with kafka.
OAuth2 token clients which can be used with Azure AD and TokenX for machine-to-machine and on-behalf-of flows when sending requests between applications. Provides easy-to-use clients which requires minimal configuration for applications running on NAIS.
This version is tightly coupled to api-app
and contains many modules that can be considered deprecated after the release of version 2.
This version will continue to live on the master
branch until most users of common-java-modules
has migrated over to version 2.
If possible, no new features should be added to version 1.
Version 2 removes all of the deprecated modules from version 1 (including api-app
) and aims to provide framework agnostic modules that can be used in any application.
mvn versions:display-dependency-updates
In order to build common-java-modules
, run from the root directory:
mvn clean install
For questions, create an issue on the Github repository.
See the CODEOWNERS file for information on who to contact.