- A query language based on MDL which can be used to for email retrieval
- A web-based email retrieval service using self-built language
- Project page
git clone https://github.com/vincentlux/Cymantix.git
pip install -r requirements.txt
- python cymantix_grammar.py --command 'command here'
all ::= space op space sc
sc ::= sc_EMAIL_from | sc_EMAIL_attach | sc_EMAIL_piece | space
sc_EMAIL_piece ::= "EMAIL last" space op_LAST_piece
sc_EMAIL_from ::= "EMAIL from" space op_lit_name
sc_EMAIL_attach ::= "EMAIL" space sc_attach
sc_attach ::= "MSWORD" | "PDF" | "GIF"
op ::= op_trig space op_first space
op_first ::= op_TOTAL | op_LAST | op_lit_ON | op_lit_name
op_lit_ON ::= op_lit_name* op_ON space op_lit_topic space sc_attach* space op_LAST*
op_lit_topic ::= "'" chars "'"
op_lit_name ::= ("'" (chars space)+ "'" space)+
op_ON ::= "ON"
op_LAST ::= "LAST" space (op_LAST_time | op_LAST_piece)
op_LAST_piece ::= ~"[0-9]*"
op_LAST_time ::= ~"[0-9]*" space ~"[a-z]+"
op_TOTAL ::= "TOTAL"
op_trig ::= "?"
space ::= " "*
chars ::= ~"[A-z0-9]*"
- Literature review and base language selection
- Finish ?TOTAL, "name" (1025)
- Test example of NodeVisitor (1026)
- Finish SimpleEvaluator(parsimonious.NodeVisitor) to test (1026, 1029)
- Finish ?TOTAL, ON "topic", "LAST", "name" (1029)
- Finish main Cymantix grammar
- Debug:
- Add double quote compatibility
- Date issue
- Instance vs Class issue
Convert email to xml- Web-based retrieval system
- Desired result
- Save all emails in MongoDB
- Input:
Json file, each one represents an email (key-value)
Cymantix Command
?”Mike” ON “picnic” MSWORD LAST
- Output:
Parsed Cymantix command
{'from': "'Mike' ", 'topic': "'Soccer'", 'attachment': 'MSWORD', 'piece': '1'}
Use parsed Cymantix command to retrieve corresponding emails
- Technologies:
- Vue.js; Python Flask; Solr
- Add voice (0131-0201)
- Move miksa3 Solr indexed item to own server(0131)
- Optimize webpage for refs and hints
- simple.unc.edu
- Node.js workflow (1105-1111)
- Solr installation on vm (1112)
- Finish converting all emails to xml (1114-1118)
- Escape xml field in mail2xml.py to avoid solr xml bug (0111)
- change-schema.sh(0111)
- Add personalized schema(0115)
- escaped all files on the server(0115)
- time conversion (in mail2xml.py) (0116)
- successfully query latest date
- Modify Cymantix output grammar
- Research on Solr search grammar
- Extract attachment information( or just change search query) (0116-0117)
- cymantix_solr function to convert cymantix grammar to solr grammar
- JCDL submitted