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Playwright seed

Initial setup for Playwright automation project:

  • typescript
  • eslint with precommit hooks
  • mochajs runner
  • chaijs assertion library
  • global mocha hooks
  • different environments support
  • docker support
  • entrypoint for local or docker run
  • page objects
  • api controller based on axios
  • check API response with json schema
  • allure reporter with logs and screenshots


Global setup

Use this file for global setup and/or teardown.

Examples: create test data before all or each test, open/close page or browser itself, add data to the report, so on. For more details please see:

Supported CLI parameters:

grep - [string] filter test names;

suites - [string] filter test filenames;

headless - [boolean] switch headless mode for the browser;

slowmo - [number, milliseconds], add a delay after the browser action during tests execution;

browser - [chromium/firefox/webkit], browser for the test run.

Entrypoint run

To run tests locally or in docker please use entrypoint file. You can use all CLI parameters from the list above.

Local run examples:

env=api:qa ./ - will run only api tests on qa environment;

headless=false env=e2e:qa suites=login ./ - will run only end-to-end login tests on qa environment in headful mode;

env=all:qa grep=test ./ - will run all tests on qa environment with test in title;

Docker examples:

Please use docker:base script to build the image and docker:test to run tests. Use the same grep/suites parameters via docker --env.

Browser instance

Please make sure you call await browser.getPage() to get a new browser context and page before each test. It's needed because we close all contexts after each test in root hooks.

Page objects

Please see login page for page object example. This page contains examples how to initialize ui element and ui widget. The main concept of widgets: to split all page elements to logical blocks for better understanding and maintenance. It's like a page object inside the other page object :) It's better to use ui widgets for pages with multiple ui elements, if you have up to 5 elements on the page please use KISS principle.

API Controller

Please see example of API-test here.