Account is the basic entity in the VSYS blockchain that pocesses tokens & can take actions(e.g. send tokens, execute smart contracts).
There are 2 kinds of accounts:
- user account: the most common account.
- contract account: the account for a smart contract instance.
The key difference between them lies in whether they have a private key.
In Go SDK we have an Account
struct that represents a user account on the VSYS blockchain.
The Account
can be instantiated from Wallet
by GetAcccount
function from the given Chain
struct & nonce.
// ch: *vsys.Chain
// wal: *vsys.Wallet
acnt0, err := wal.GetAccount(ch, 0)
The Account
object can be constructed by a private key & opionally along with a public key.
If the public key is omitted, it will be derived from the private key. If the public key is provided, it will be verified against the private key.
// ch: *vsys.Chain
acnt0, err := vsys.NewAccountFromPriKeyStr(ch, 'your_private_key')
if err != nil {
priKey, err := vsys.NewPriKeyFromB58Str('your private key in base 58 encoded format')
if err != nil {
acnt1, err := vsys.NewAccount(ch, priKey)
if err != nil {
The Chain
object that represents the VSYS blockchain this account is on.
// acnt: *vsys.Account
Example output
*vsys.Chain({NodeAPI:*vsys.NodeAPI( ChainID:vsys.ChainID(T)})
The address of the account.
// acnt: *vsys.Account
Example output
The private/public keys of the account.
// acnt: *vsys.Account
Example output
Note that these keys are invalid and have been randomly generated.
The NodeAPI
object that serves as the API wrapper for calling RESTful APIs that exposed by a node in the VSYS blockchain.
// acnt: *vsys.Account
Example output
The VSYS ledger(regular) balance of the account.
// acnt: *vsys.Account
bal, err := fmt.Println(acnt.Bal())
if err != nil {
Example output
The VSYS available balance(i.e. the balance that can be spent) of the account. The amount leased out will be reflected in this balance.
// acnt: *vsys.Account
bal, err := acnt.AvailBal()
if err != nil {
Example output
The VSYS effective balance(i.e. the balance that counts when contending a slot) of the account. The amount leased in & out will be reflected in this balance.
// acnt: *vsys.Account
bal, err := acnt.EffBal()
if err != nil {
Example output
Get the account balance of the token of the given token ID.
The example below shows querying the token balance of a certain kind of token.
// acnt: *vsys.Account
tokId := "TWu66r3ebS3twXNWh7aiAEWcNAaRPs1JxkAw2A3Hi"
resp, err := acnt.GetTokBal(tokId)
if err != nil {
Example output
*vsys.Token({Data:vsys.Amount(999999000000) Unit:vsys.Unit(1000000)})
Pay the VSYS coins from the action taker to the recipient.
The example below shows paying 100 VSYS coins to another account.
// acnt0: *vsys.Account
// acnt1: *vsys.Account
resp, err := acnt0.Pay(acnt1.Addr.B58Str().Str(), 100, "")
if err != nil {
Example output
*vsys.BroadcastPaymentTxResp({TxBasic:{Type:vsys.TxType(2) Id:vsys.Str(3PYRWPgVjmsvtonewhXHptjHJug2tU8X2C9qYhJzihXL) Fee:vsys.VSYS(10000000) FeeScale:vsys.VSYS(100) Timestamp:vsys.VSYSTimestamp(1659606163249320000) Proofs:[{ProofType:vsys.Str(Curve25519) PubKey:vsys.Str(6VH5QC2ktUA5UK4j6c4hxQTZi4cm9jdNYhnCQV2rT4Wv) Addr:vsys.Str(AU8xJNjE5RNo8hmPYA1bSgQzPKYNgejytiP) Signature:vsys.Str(3C7b4bevuWrGXrtMTazBUJxzCi6xE3co4pwRLpK3emdcjR5GCtoTSdeqNwUqCDakV6nb6Wb7J3B82xrrnTdQPZYf)}]} Recipient:vsys.Str(ATracVxHwdYF394gXEawdZe9stB9yLH6V7q) Amount:vsys.VSYS(10000000000) Attachment:vsys.Str()})
Lease the VSYS coins from the action taker to the recipient(a supernode).
Note that the transaction ID in the response can be used to cancel leasing later.
The example below shows leasing 100 VSYS coins to a supernode.
// acnt: *vsys.Account
supernodeAddr := "AUA1pbbCFyFSte38uENPXSAhZa7TH74V2Tc"
resp, err := acnt0.Lease(supernodeAddr, 1)
if err != nil {
Example output
*vsys.BroadcastLeaseTxResp({TxBasic:{Type:vsys.TxType(3) Id:vsys.Str(4RtnjPL9HxkGGsgXoLrxdi8bd5qFQ5w34TYRrnW6syB2) Fee:vsys.VSYS(10000000) FeeScale:vsys.VSYS(100) Timestamp:vsys.VSYSTimestamp(1659930691046964000) Proofs:[{ProofType:vsys.Str(Curve25519) PubKey:vsys.Str(6VH5QC2ktUA5UK4j6c4hxQTZi4cm9jdNYhnCQV2rT4Wv) Addr:vsys.Str(AU8xJNjE5RNo8hmPYA1bSgQzPKYNgejytiP) Signature:vsys.Str(iV4bDQSR6HKPaDCF2ZtSsd6vuWZHSqnAr6FGLyf8ZQ7CvGWYv7Zdabnc75oDoGY3iAp88zQey5dhxYvuyPTsttP)}]} Supernode:vsys.Str(AUCUg4dFgn52U2PgZb9YhehBXnSqp8EMRqH) Amount:vsys.VSYS(100000000)})
Cancel the leasing based on the leasing transaction ID.
// acnt: *vsys.Account
leasingTxId := "4RtnjPL9HxkGGsgXoLrxdi8bd5qFQ5w34TYRrnW6syB2"
resp, err := acnt.CancelLease(leasingTxId)
if err != nil {
Example output
&{{vsys.TxType(4) vsys.Str(A5fEMspmeu1fnEKm3qFg4vSxLJKFCJekCLYbZKQ2TQZZ) vsys.VSYS(10000000) vsys.VSYS(100) vsys.VSYSTimestamp(1659930697536708000) [{vsys.Str(Curve25519) vsys.Str(6VH5QC2ktUA5UK4j6c4hxQTZi4cm9jdNYhnCQV2rT4Wv) vsys.Str(AU8xJNjE5RNo8hmPYA1bSgQzPKYNgejytiP) vsys.Str(mjuC7DWe1XPNZ6ftMn7PZ48AcQqmv1S4apRJwfpKGiZySLKtJnaTLvXaz4FdfcNLSdafEa2BQnWzBDk1kB5Ryva)}]} vsys.Str(4RtnjPL9HxkGGsgXoLrxdi8bd5qFQ5w34TYRrnW6syB2)}
Ignore DB Put for now TODO: write docs
Store the data with a key onto the chain(i.e. treat chain as a key-value store)
# acnt: *vsys.Account
resp = await acnt.db_put(
Example output
{'type': 10, 'id': 'B5vxEnY1cPQ2GLQVLDRNKoXY2vtacEmqCAdyCxbPwmfK', 'fee': 100000000, 'feeScale': 100, 'timestamp': 1646975057234319104, 'proofs': [{'proofType': 'Curve25519', 'publicKey': '6gmM7UxzUyRJXidy2DpXXMvrPqEF9hR1eAqsmh33J6eL', 'address': 'AU6BNRK34SLuc27evpzJbAswB6ntHV2hmjD', 'signature': '37vhwQYASAwVoUENoo3xHvCJCkaAriAgnYBPdwQkt3brj4yDybhK8H1BsXpMgvvdX7ScwTQP7qtYNGeABoAzL8Qr'}], 'dbKey': 'foo', 'entry': {'data': 'bar', 'type': 'ByteArray'}}
The stored data can be queried by calling the node endpoint /database/get/{addr}/{db_key}
curl -X 'GET' \
'' \
-H 'accept: application/json'
Example output
"data" : "bar",
"type" : "ByteArray"
Or we can use the NodeAPI
# api: *vsys.NodeAPI
# acnt: *vsys.Account
resp = await api.db.get(,
Example output
{'data': 'bar', 'type': 'ByteArray'}
There is no public interface for this action through Account
. Users should always use a specific register function and pass in the Account
struct as the action taker instead.
See the example of registering an NFT contract instance.
There is no public interface for this action through Account
. Users should always use a contract methods and pass in the Account
struct as the action taker instead.