The official Golang SDK for VSYS APIs
Under active development. Contributions are always welcome!
The official Golang SDK for VSYS APIs. The old Golang SDK is deprecated and will be archived soon.
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go get
package main
import (
const (
HOST = ""
SEED = "your seed"
func printHeading(s string) {
fmt.Printf("============= %s ============\n", s)
func main() {
printHeading("Try out NodeAPI")
// NodeAPI is the wrapper for REST APIs exposed by VSYS network nodes.
api := vsys.NewNodeAPI(HOST)
// GET /blocks/height
resp, _ := api.GetCurBlockHeight()
printHeading("Try out Chain")
// Chain represents the blockchain.
ch := vsys.NewChain(api, vsys.TEST_NET)
// Get chain's height
height, _ := ch.Height()
printHeading("Try out Account")
// Wallet represents the wallet where there's a seed phrase.
wal, _ := vsys.NewWalletFromSeedStr(SEED)
// Account represents an account in the blockchain network.
acnt, _ := wal.GetAccount(ch, 0)
printHeading("Try out Smart Contract")
const ctrtId = "CF3cK7TJFfw1AcPk74osKyGeGxee6u5VNXD"
nc, _ := vsys.NewNFTCtrt(ctrtId, ch)
// Get the contract's ID
fmt.Println("Contract id:", nc.CtrtId)
- NFT Contract V1
- NFT Contract V2
- Token Contract V1 without split
- Token Contract V1 with split
- Token Contract V2 without split
- Atomic Swap Contract
- Payment Channel Contract
- Lock Contract
- System Contract
- V Escrow Contract
- V Option Contract
- V Stable Swap Contract
- V Swap Contract
Functional tests are functions that simulate the behavior of a normal user to interact with go-vsys
(e.g. register a smart contract & call functions of it).
NOTE that the test environement defined as global variables in helper_test.go has to be configured through environemnt variables before the test cases can be executed.
Then go to the root of the project and run.
go test ./vsys/ -v -timeout 0 -run AsWhole
timeout is needed to avoid default 10min limit for running tests. With -run flag you can supply regexp for tests to run.
The above command will run functions that tests contracts as a whole i.e. without setting up new resources per each function test. If you want to test individual contracts or functions:
go test ./vsys/ -v -timeout 0 -run NFTCtrt_Supersede
Test function names are made so that you can run all functions of certain contract by supplying its name to
argument. Then can add function name as suffix to test specific function.
More information on how to run tests can be found in testing package documentation.
Contributions are always welcome!
See the development documentation for more details and please adhere to conventions mentioned in it.