Java library for V Systems
To use this SDK, we need Java 1.8. First of all, update the repository
$ sudo apt-get update
Install Java in your machine
$ sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk
Check Java version (remove the old version Java if needed).
$ java -version openjdk version "1.8.0_181" OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_181-8u181-b13-0ubuntu0.16.04.1-b13) OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.181-b13, mixed mode)
clone this project
$ git clone
import GSON jar to your project. You can download gson.jar from Gson Release. If you are using Maven, you can add dependency looks like this:
<dependency> <groupId></groupId> <artifactId>gson</artifactId> <version>2.8.5</version> </dependency>
For testnet chain:
import; import; Blockchain chain = new Blockchain(NetworkType.Testnet, "");
For mainnet chain:
import; import; Blockchain chain = new Blockchain(NetworkType.Mainnet, "");
Call node internal used API with API key (to avoid
Provided API key is not correct
error):import; import; Blockchain chain = new Blockchain(NetworkType.Testnet, "", "<API_KEY>"); List<Transaction> txList = chain.getActiveLeaseTransactions(testAddress);
Create account by seed
import; import; Account acc = new Account(NetworkType.Testnet, "<your seed>", 0);
Create account by private key
import; import; Account acc = new Account(NetworkType.Testnet, "<base58 private key>");
Create account by public key
import; import; Account acc = new Account(NetworkType.Testnet, "<base58 public key>", null);
Create account by address
import; import; Account acc = new Account(NetworkType.Testnet, null, "<base58 address>");
Send Payment transaction
Long amount = 1 * Blockchain.V_UNITY; // Send 1.0 V coin PaymentTransaction tx = TransactionFactory.buildPaymentTx("<recipient address>", amount); String txId = tx.getId(); // get Tx ID offline // Usage 1: for hot wallet sending transaction Transaction result = acc.sendTransaction(chain, tx); // Usage 2: for cold wallet signing transaction String signature = acc.getSignature(tx);
Send Lease transaction
Long amount = 1 * Blockchain.V_UNITY; // Lease 1.0 V coin LeaseTransaction tx = TransactionFactory.buildLeaseTx("<recipient address>", amount); String txId = tx.getId(); // get Tx ID offline // Usage 1: for hot wallet sending transaction Transaction result = acc.sendTransaction(chain, tx); // Usage 2: for cold wallet signing transaction String signature = acc.getSignature(tx);
Send Token by executing contract function
First of all, if we do not know any Token information, we could get information by
ContractType tokenType = chain.getContractTypeByTokenId(tokenId); TokenInfo tokenInfo = chain.getTokenInfo(tokenId); Long tokenUnity = tokenInfo.getUnity();
Then we send the token by executing contract function
Long amount = 1 * tokenUnity; // Send 1.0 Token ExecuteContractFunctionTransaction tx = TransactionFactory.buildSendTokenTx(tokenId, tokenType,"<recipient address>", amount); String txId = tx.getId(); // get Tx ID offline // Usage 1: for hot wallet sending transaction Transaction result = acc.sendTransaction(chain, tx); // Usage 2: for cold wallet signing transaction String signature = acc.getSignature(tx);