Under active maintenance. Contributions are always welcome!
The official Javascript SDK for VSYS APIs. The old Javascript SDK is deprecated and will be archived soon.
Install from Github
git clone [email protected]:virtualeconomy/js-vsys.git
Then locate to the folder and run npm install
'use strict';
import * as jv from '@virtualeconomy/js-vsys';
// The RESTful API host address to a node in a public test net
const host = 'http://veldidina.vos.systems:9928';
// A test net wallet seed
const seed = new jv.Seed('your seed');
function printHeading(msg) {
function times(char, num) {
let ret = '';
while (num-- > 0) ret += char;
return ret;
console.log(times('=', 10), msg, times('=', 10));
printHeading('Try out NodeAPI');
// NodeAPI is the wrapper for RESTful APIs
const api = jv.NodeAPI.new(host);
// GET /blocks/height
console.log(await api.blocks.getHeight());
// GET /node/version
console.log(await api.node.getVersion());
printHeading('Try out Chain');
// Chain represents the chain itself
const ch = new jv.Chain(api, jv.ChainID.TEST_NET);
// Get chain's height
console.log('Height:', await ch.getHeight());
// Get chain's last block
console.log('Last block: \n', await ch.getLastBlock());
printHeading('Try out Account');
// Account represents an account in the net
const wal = new jv.Wallet(seed);
const acnt = wal.getAcnt(ch, 0);
// Get the account's balance
console.log('Balance:', await acnt.getBal());
// Get the account's public key
console.log('Public key:', acnt.keyPair.pub);
// Get the account's private key
console.log('Private key:', acnt.keyPair.pri);
// Get the account's address
console.log('Account address:', acnt.addr);
printHeading('Try out Smart Contract');
const ctrtId = 'CF3cK7TJFfw1AcPk74osKyGeGxee6u5VNXD';
const ctrt = new jv.NFTCtrt(ctrtId, ch);
// Get the contract's maker
console.log('Maker:', await ctrt.getMaker());
// Get the contract's issuer
console.log('Issuer:', await ctrt.getIssuer());
// Get the contract's ID
console.log('Contract id:', ctrt.ctrtId);
Example output
========== Try out NodeAPI ==========
{ height: 2767707 }
{ version: 'VSYS Core v0.4.1' }
========== Try out Chain ==========
Height: 2767707
Last block:
version: 1,
timestamp: 1655457048010768100,
reference: '3dRCKVabnC4XdTdv64BB6486uoGypbNSHNiUgBf1WzuCe3GdLCvihgkvFsygNehtA2vQ6PAUBVPcpXs3MEeoG5sC',
SPOSConsensus: { mintTime: 1655457048000000000, mintBalance: 191899551193920 },
resourcePricingData: {
computation: 0,
storage: 0,
memory: 0,
randomIO: 0,
sequentialIO: 0
TransactionMerkleRoot: '6Gx217pr8eYcz7Xu4FLexRWi3ufV19t2BtUNkmDUN14q',
transactions: [
type: 5,
recipient: 'AU1EWbfR8mTwbvzgnY8wdpLy3vEvF64WSEE',
timestamp: 1655457048010768100,
amount: 900000000,
currentBlockHeight: 2767707,
status: 'Success',
feeCharged: 0
generator: 'AU1EWbfR8mTwbvzgnY8wdpLy3vEvF64WSEE',
signature: 'DtMAp1bVCLzSZQAkVkuaDVEyctmydkBH469VmTzqLnrTnBrVxkp9PvWHuWSBJLEyGeqUeJ9TPZYZw6o5ofmEXw9',
fee: 0,
blocksize: 330,
height: 2767707,
'transaction count': 1
========== Try out Account ==========
Balance: VSYS { data: BigNumber { s: 1, e: 13, c: [ 48592200000000 ] } }
Nonce: Nonce { data: 0 }
Public key: PubKey { data: 'FwuW4LhiBFn6uu5id9nZGtp9o1RUG3DoX5MhyZibrjkE' }
Private key: PriKey { data: '2dC1PVfaeWBR6bsT4jpPkp4Zr9PNhXwQThPLEAvKWB37' }
Account address: Addr { data: 'ATse3RcjEzwc5JHDPcduPYe4qA2mWhSNZaV' }
========== Try out Smart Contract ==========
Maker: Addr { data: 'ATse3RcjEzwc5JHDPcduPYe4qA2mWhSNZaV' }
Issuer: Addr { data: 'AUFDmJqrcwphseJccD1vkR7xbRciMijMpw4' }
Contract id: CtrtID { data: 'CF3cK7TJFfw1AcPk74osKyGeGxee6u5VNXD' }
- NFT Contract V1
- NFT Contract V2
- Token Contract V1 without split
- Token Contract V1 with split
- Token Contract V2 without split
- Atomic Swap Contract
- Payment Channel Contract
- Lock Contract
- System Contract
- V Escrow Contract
- V Option Contract
- V Stable Swap Contract
- V Swap Contract
Specification tests are scripts that simulate the behaviour of a normal user to interact wtih js_vsys
(e.g. register a smart contract & call functions of it).
To run it, ensure that you have jasmine
properly installed.
First set up the global variables like below.
export JS_VSYS_HOST='http://veldidina.vos.systems:9928'
export JS_VSYS_SEED='your_seed'
Then go to the root of the project and run (take NFT contract as an example).
npx jasmine './spec/contract_spec/nft_ctrt_spec.js'
The above command will test each aspect(e.g. function send
of NFT contract) individually and have required resources set up before testing(e.g. register a new contract, issue a token, etc). It's good for testing a specific aspect while it might consume too much resources to test every aspect in this way.
Take NFT contract as an example, it will register a contract first and then execute functions like send
, transfer
, deposit
, etc in a pre-orchestrated manner so that some common set up(e.g. register a contract) will be done only once.
To run a single test, say issue
, just comment all parts except beforeAll
and test method issue
, run
npx jasmine './spec/contract_spec/nft_ctrt_spec.js'
Contributions are always welcome!
See the development documentation for more details and please adhere to conventions mentioned in it.