Awesome-Hacking-Resources Public
A collection of hacking / penetration testing resources to make you better!
OSCP-Exam-Report-Template-Markdown Public
Forked from noraj/OSCP-Exam-Report-Template-Markdown📙 OSCP Exam Report Template in Markdown
totalrecon Public
TotalRecon installs all the recon tools you need
Owasp-TOP-10-Training-Panel Public
Forked from romanzaikin/Owasp-TOP-10-Training-PanelThis repository contains the source code of the web panel I have used in my book series of books: Cyber and Penetration Testing – Web Penetration Testing.
public-pentesting-reports Public
Forked from juliocesarfort/public-pentesting-reportsCurated list of public penetration test reports released by several consulting firms and academic security groups
reverse-engineering Public
Forked from wtsxDev/reverse-engineeringList of awesome reverse engineering resources
.tmux Public
Forked from gpakosz/.tmux🇫🇷 Oh My Tmux! Pretty & versatile tmux configuration made with ❤️ (imho the best tmux configuration that just works)
chromium-latest-linux Public
Forked from scheib/chromium-latest-linuxScripts to download and run the latest Linux build of Chromium. A substitute for Chrome Canary on Linux.
data-driven-web-apps-with-flask Public
Forked from talkpython/data-driven-web-apps-with-flaskCourse demo code and other hand-out materials for our data driven web apps in Flask course
HelloPluralsightProject Public
Forked from sergiocruz/HelloPluralsightProjectDemonstration on how projects work at Pluralsight.
ProxyBroker Public
Forked from constverum/ProxyBrokerProxy [Finder | Checker | Server]. HTTP(S) & SOCKS 🎭
safaribooks Public
Forked from ViciousPotato/safaribooksConvert safaribooksonline ebook to epub and Kindle mobi format
awesome-osx-setup Public
Forked from owenrumney/awesome-osx-setupA repository with tools to automatically make any Mac awesome in a few minutes
coding-interview-university Public
Forked from jwasham/coding-interview-universityA complete computer science study plan to become a software engineer.
awesome-podcasts Public
Forked from pbnj/awesome-podcasts😎 Curated list of awesome programming podcasts, organized alphabetically & topically
uncaptcha Public
Forked from ecthros/uncaptchaDefeating Google's audio reCaptcha with 85% accuracy.
udacity-nanodegrees Public
Forked from mikesprague/udacity-nanodegrees🎓 List of Udacity Nanodegree programs with links to the free courses in their curricula