🚀 A new Spotify-like API that allows you to search for musics and artists as well as create new playlists
- Allow users to fetch new songs from database
- Allow the users to choose the songs and add to their playlist
- Allow users to remove songs from their playlist
- Create premium and common user profile
- Allow users to fetch new songs from database
- The service must validate that the user has entered at least 3 characters, returning an HTTP 400 if the query has less than 2 characters
- The search must be performed in both the artist name and song name columns
- Music search should not be case sensitive
- The search must return values containing the filter, not needing to inform the full name of the song or artist
- The return must be sorted by artist name and then by song name
- Allow the users to choose the songs and add to their playlist
- It must receive a request containing the song identifier and the playlist identifier
- It must validate if song identifier and playlist identifier exist
- Intall Java 11
- To download the project follow the instructions bellow:
1. git clone https://github.com/ciandt-mymusic-javers/project-myMusic.git
2. cd project-myMusic