CL-NTRIPLES provides a simple parser for the N-Triples data format as defined by the W3C for storing RDF/Semantic information. N-Triples is a line-based, plain text format for encoding an RDF graph.
Main entry function is PARSE-NT
method that parses N-Triples from the given source. This method accepts a file pathname, an input stream, or a string.
Returns a list of triples consisting of three elements: subject, predicate, object. Subjects can be either an uriref
or a nodeID
. Objects can be of three types: uriref
, nodeID
or a literal
. Depending on the type of the object it is encoded into an association list.
N-Triples data format standard definition is provided in the W3C documents:
Check also the Semantic Web page on CLiki.
CL-NTRIPLES is available through Quicklisp:
(ql:quickload :cl-ntriples)
CL-NTRIPLES was developed for a practical purpose of accessing the wealth of data accumulated by the DBPedia project. For example, let's query information about a Ukrainian city of Chernihiv (wiki, dbpedia):
(defvar page-url "")
(defvar *res* (nt:parse-nt (drakma:http-request page-url)))
;; *res* now contains a list of triples, let's query some predicates
;; for brevity, predicates will defined as variables
(defconstant +prop-area-total-km+ "")
(defconstant +rdf-label+ "")
;; querying predicates is now reduced to a simple function call:
;; what is the city area in km2?
(nt:predicate? *res* +prop-area-total-km+)
=> ((""
(:URIREF . ""))))
;; how do Japanese call this city?
(predicate? *res* +rdf-label+ :lang "ja")
=> ((""
(:LITERAL-STRING "チェルニーヒウ" :LANG "ja")))
Package provides following functions:
Parses and returns a list of triples -
PREDICATE? triples predicate &key lang data-type
filters out triples with matching predicates. Additional parameters (lang and data-type) can be used to limit returned triples to those with matching language and data type specifiers. -
returns the literal-string value of the given triple.