Time spent: 12
Objective: Create a honeynet using MHN-Admin. Present your findings as if you were requested to give a brief report of the current state of Internet security. Assume that your audience is a current employer who is questioning why the company should allocate anymore resources to the IT security team.
Summary: The Honeypot was deployed by using GCP through the Web and CLI
Summary: Briefly in your own words, what does dionaea do?
Summary: The relation database management system that MHN-Admin uses is mongodb. The exported JSON file contains information of the probe or source ip addresses, their ports, the protocol of the connection, and the name of the honeypot. with the following command:
mongoexport --db mnemosyne --collection session > session.json
Link to exported session.json file:
Summary: What does this honeypot simulate and do for a security researcher? This honeypot simulates a vulnerable target open in the wild with all types of connections and protocols open. This would help test if there were any vulnerabilities beyond the firewall defense mechanisms.
gcloud config list
gcloud compute regions list
gcloud compute firewall-rules list
gcloud compute firewall-rules create http \
--allow tcp:80 \
--description="Allow HTTP from Anywhere" \
--direction ingress \
gcloud compute firewall-rules create honeymap \
--allow tcp:3000 \
--description="Allow HoneyMap Feature from Anywhere" \
--direction ingress \
gcloud compute firewall-rules create hpfeeds \
--allow tcp:10000 \
--description="Allow HPFeeds from Anywhere" \
--direction ingress \
# Create a VM for mhn-admin, instance type- n1-standard-1
# and bind to previously defined fire-wall rules matching mhn-admin
# tag
gcloud compute instances create "mhn-admin" \
--machine-type "n1-standard-1" \
--subnet "default" \
--maintenance-policy "MIGRATE" \
--tags "mhn-admin" \
--image-family "ubuntu-minimal-1804-lts" \
--image-project "ubuntu-os-cloud" \
--boot-disk-size "10" \
--boot-disk-type "pd-standard" \
--boot-disk-device-name "mhn-admin"
WARNING: You have selected a disk size of under [200GB]. This may result in poor I/O performance. For more information, see: https://developers.google.com/compute/docs/disks#performance.
Created [https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/blissful-canyon-332005/zones/us-east1-b/instances/mhn-admin].
mhn-admin us-east1-b n1-standard-1 RUNNING
# Connect to mhn-admin instance using gcloud ssh
gcloud compute ssh mhn-admin
cd /opt/
sudo git clone https://github.com/pwnlandia/mhn.git
cd mhn/
sudo sed -i 's/Flask-SQLAlchemy==2.3.2/Flask-SQLAlchemy==2.5.1/g' server/requirements.txt
sudo ./install.sh
Welcome to Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS (GNU/Linux 5.11.0-1021-gcp x86_64)
* Documentation: https://help.ubuntu.com
* Management: https://landscape.canonical.com
* Support: https://ubuntu.com/advantage
This system has been minimized by removing packages and content that are
not required on a system that users do not log into.
To restore this content, you can run the 'unminimize' command.
0 updates can be applied immediately.
The list of available updates is more than a week old.
To check for new updates run: sudo apt update
***update repos***
sudo apt update
*** git and python-magic
sudo apt install git python-magic -y
***Download MHN w/ python requirements
cd /opt/
sudo git clone https://github.com/pwnlandia/mhn.git
cd mhn/
sudo sed -i 's/Flask-SQLAlchemy==2.3.2/Flask-SQLAlchemy==2.5.1/g' server/requirements.txt
sudo ./install.sh
# create firewall rule allowing all incoming tcp/udp traffic
gcloud compute firewall-rules create wideopen \
--description="Allow TCP and UDP from Anywhere" \
--direction ingress \
--action=allow \
--priority=1000 \
--rules=tcp,udp \
--source-ranges= \
#Create VM
gcloud compute instances create "honeypot-1" \
--machine-type "n1-standard-1" \
--subnet "default" \
--maintenance-policy "MIGRATE" \
--tags "honeypot" \
--image-family "ubuntu-minimal-1804-lts" \
--image-project "ubuntu-os-cloud" \
--boot-disk-size "10" \
--boot-disk-type "pd-standard" \
--boot-disk-device-name "honeypot-1"
WARNING: You have selected a disk size of under [200GB]. This may result in poor I/O performance. For more information, see: https://developers.google.com/compute/docs/disks#performance.
Created [https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/blissful-canyon-332005/zones/us-east1-b/instances/honeypot-1].
honeypot-1 us-east1-b n1-standard-1 RUNNING
#Deployment Command
wget "" -O deploy.sh && sudo bash deploy.sh FkO6KMHd
2nd time IP when instance is started is: wget " /api/script/?text=true&script_id=2" -O deploy.sh && sudo bash deploy.sh FkO6KMHd
Working with the configuration after stopping a VM instance was a trouble since the VM would take on new external IP addresses each time the instance was stopped and started. This required changing the commands manually to accomodate the change in IP addresses.