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Tanzu Observability Event Resource

A concourse resource to send pipeline events to VMware Tanzu Observability by Wavefront

Source Configuration

  • tenant_url: The URL to your tenant, for example
  • api_token: A REST API token. More information on generating an API token here


check: No-op

Currently, this resource does not support monitoring for new events.

in: Fetch information about an event

Fetches the given event, and creates the following files:

  • id: contains the event's ID
  • event.json: represents the event object as returned by the API

Note: Because this resource does not support monitoring, the in script is really only used in a get-after-put context. It is used to pass the event between jobs in a pipeline so that it may be started in one job and ended in a subsequent job.

out: Start or end an event

Depending on the action parameter, out will either create a new event with a running state of ONGOING, or close an event with the given ID.


  • action: Required. One of create, start, or end.

  • event: Required if action is end, ignored if action is start or create. The path to a previous event's get step, containing its id file.

  • event_name: Required if action is start or create, ignored if action is end. The name of the event to be created

  • annotations: Optional. A map of key-value pairs that will be added as annotations to the event. Values MUST be strings. In addition to any annotations specified here, the following annotations will be added:

    concourse-team: ${BUILD_TEAM_NAME}
    concourse-pipeline: ${BUILD_PIPELINE_NAME}
    concourse-job: ${BUILD_JOB_NAME}
    concourse-build-url: ${ATC_EXTERNAL_URL}/builds/${BUILD_ID}

    Learn more about environment variables available to the resource type here

    If you do not want one of those annotations on your event, add it as a custom annotation with a value of "".

    If annotations are set on a put with action == "end", those annotations will be added or updated on the original event. This is useful, for example, for changing the severity annotation from INFO to FAILED, or something similar.

  • tags: Optional, ignored if action is end. A list of strings to be added as tags on the event.

Note: event_name, annotations, and tags support very simple variable interpolation. For the list of allowed variables, see here and for a list of substitution patterns, see here.


- name: observability-events
  type: registry-image
    tag: "1"

- name: observability
  type: observability-events
    api_token: ((my-secret-wavefront-token))

- name: start-event
  - put: observability
      action: start
      event_name: Pipeline Started
      tags: ["${BUILD_PIPELINE_NAME}"]
        severity: INFO
- name: do-a-thing
  - get: observability
    passed: [start-event]
    trigger: true
  - task: do-some-stuff
    config: ...
- name: end-event
  - get: observability
    passed: [do-a-thing]
    trigger: true
  - put: observability
      action: end
      event: observability
        severity: SUCCESS