RoboCup is an automatic tournament holder for the game Points.
It's written in Scala language, using Liftweb as a web framework, as an actor framework, SBT as a build tool, git+github as a version control system.
- install git
- download RoboCup from the internet:
git clone [email protected]:vn971/roboCup.git
- launch it! In command line type
./bin/sbt ~reStart
- you should have RoboCup running now. Check it out on http://localhost:8989
After running roboCup you may be interested in IDE support.
- Download and install eclipse-scala IDE
- In command-line run
./bin/sbt "eclipse with-source=true"
- In menu, "File" > "Import" > "Existing Projects into workspace" > find your project > Ok
- download the community edition (apache2-licensed):
- find and install the Scala plugin
- In menu, "File" > "Open" > "build.sbt" file > download all sources and docs
Feel free to contact me.:)
Vasya Novikov:
- invention of RoboCups
- 100% of code written here yet
- adding and promoting 4cross rules
- creation and promotion fo the Swiss tournament system amongst Points game
Bartek Duda:
- all Polish translations
- proposing Swiss tournament system for the first time
- providing API on zagram for RoboCups
- advertising the tournament on zagram.
Ivan Geyko:
- proposing and proving that tournament rules should be very different each time
- choosing the default common rules to the very first tournaments
- organising many of the tournaments in 2012
- help in organising and advertising the tournament A LOT
- proposal of the name "RoboCup"
Oleg Anokhin:
- keeping the history of tournaments up to date on our site
- choosing the default common rules to the very first tournaments
- organising many of the tournaments in 2012
- help in organising and advertising the tournament A LOT
Copyright: Vasya Novikov 2012-present License: AGPL v3 or (at your option) any later version