Nebulae Converter is a fictional product from xTrade company, destinated for all merchants from galaxy to help evaluate the currency for some materials.
*All code is also available on a private bitbucket repository, request to join project
Java 1.7
Maven 3
inside source folder execute
mvn clean install
Maven will resolve the dependencies, compile and run all tests (some exceptions are expected, they are part of the tests, please wait for 'Build Success')
A jar file will be created inside target folder, to generate a jar with all dependencies included please execute:
mvn compile assembly:single
This command will generate a jar with "jar-with-dependencies" appended
You should execute the jar giving a path for a file with the currency commands like the example:
$ java -jar nebulae-converter-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar ./input.txt
This will result:
pish tegj glob glob is 42
glob prok SILVER is 68.00 Credits
glob prok GOLD is 57800.00 Credits
glob prok IRON is 782.00 Credits
I have no idea what you are talking about
A file with the commands used on this example could be found on /src/test/resources