# Disable login password
sudo groupadd -r autologin
sudo gpasswd -a $USER autologin
# /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf
# Scale apps on HDPI
# /etc/profile.d/gtk.sh
export GDK_DPI_SCALE=1.33
# Disable wakeup on Logi Bolt
sudo cp ~/.dotfiles/base/logibolt.rules /etc/udev/rules.d
# Enable options in /etc/pacman.conf
Color CheckSpace VerbosePkgLists ParallelDownloads = 4
# Disable [multilib]
# Update package repositories
sudo pacman -Syyu
# Update installed packages and remove unused packages
yay --noconfirm -Syu && yay --noconfirm -Sc && yay --noconfirm -Yc
# Install packages
yay -S wezterm fish nushell starship emacs-nativecomp
yay -S aspell aspell-en aspell-es aspell-uk aspell-ru
yay -S hunspell hunspell-en_us hunspell-es_es hunspell-uk hunspell-ru
yay -S ttf-jetbrains-mono-nerd noto-fonts-emoji
yay -S fzf fd ripgrep eza bat git-delta vivid plocate btop go-yq
yay -S lf zathura zathura-pdf-mupdf zathura-djvu gthumb inkscape
yay -S nodejs pnpm bun-bin typescript typescript-language-server
yay -S go gopls
yay -S go-ethereum solidity-bin
yay -S jdk-openjdk intellij-idea-community-edition
yay -S dropbox
# Install dotfiles
git clone [email protected]:volodymyrprokopyuk/dotfiles.git ~/.dotfiles
cd ~/.dotfiles && ./config --init all -i
# Set font scaling DPI (multiple of 96) in ~/.Xresources
Xcursor.theme: Qogir
Xcursor.size: 48
Xft.dpi: 192
# Install packages
yay -S xorg-xev i3status-rust i3lock-color maim
# Query MIME of a file
xdg-mime query filetype file.pdf
# List installed applications
fd -t f -e desktop . /
# Query default application for a file
xdg-mime query default application/pdf
# Set default applications for a file
xdg-mime default org.pwmt.zathura.desktop application/pdf
xdg-mime default org.pwmt.zathura.desktop image/vnd.djvu
xdg-mime default org.gnome.gThumb.desktop image/png
xdg-mime default org.gnome.gThumb.desktop image/jpeg
xdg-mime default org.gnome.gThumb.desktop image/svg+xml
# Update a repository database
yay -Sy
# Upgrade a system
yay -Syu
# Show packages to upgrade
yay -Qu
# Clean a package cache
yay -Sc
# Clean unneeded dependencies
yay -Yc
# Search a remote repository database for a package
yay -Ss|i <package>
# Query a local repository database for an installed package
yay -Qs|i <package>
# Show explicitly installed packages
yay -Qe
# Install a package
yay -S <package>
# Remove a package, its configuration, and dependencies
yay -Rsn <package>
# List all files owned by a package
yay -Ql <package>
# Show which package a file belongs to
yay -Qo <file path>
# Show dependency tree of a package
pactree <package>
# Show packages that depend on a package
pactree -r <package>
nmcli device # list devices => connections
nmcli connection # list connections => devices
nmcli connection up|down <connection> # adtivate/deactivate connection
nmcli radio wifi on|off # switch on/off WiFi
nmcli device wifi # list avaialble WiFi networks
nmcli --ask device wifi connect <network> # connect to network
sudo fdisk -l # list devices
ll /dev/disk/by-uuid/* # list device UUIDs
sudo mkdir /run/media/HD1 # create a mount point
sudo mount -t ext4 /dev/sda3 /run/media/HD1 # mount a device
df -h # verify mount success; show storage space usage
sudo umount /run/media/HD1 # unmount a device
# /etc/fstab
UUID=aa295f1c-3f40-4a02-b91c-a57c657ec247 /run/media/HD1 ext4 defaults 0 0
UUID=cbb67744-1bb8-42b8-ba94-bb97071404b2 /run/media/SD1 ext4 defaults,nofail,x-systemd.device-timeout=1 0 0
sudo mount /run/media/HD1 # mount a device from fstab
sudo mount -a # mount all devices from fstab
du -hd 1 # show directory size to depth
df -h
sudo umount /dev/sdc1
sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdc1
# Show users
cat /etc/passwd
# Show groups
cat /etc/group
# Show groups that user belongs to
groups $USER
# Show services
systemctl [list-units] --type=service --state=active
# Manage service
sudo systemctl enable|start|status|stop|restart|disable $SERVICE.service
Install and use locally generated SSH key on a remote server
# Generate SSH key pair locally
# Provide SSH key file location ($HOME/.ssh/id_rsa_<provider>) and passphrase
# File parmissions
chmod 700 ~/.ssh && chmod 600 ~/.ssh/id_*
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "[email protected]"
ssy-keygen -t ed25519 -C "[email protected]"
# Copy SSH key to a remote host. Provide remote host username and password
ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa_<provider>.pub <username>@<host>
# Connect to the remote host using SSH key but not password. Provide passphrase
ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa_<provider> <username>@<host>
# Configure SSH key alias in ~/.ssh/config
Host <alias>
HostName <host>
User <user>
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa_<provider>
# Connect to the remote host using SSH key alias. Provide passphrase
ssh <alias>
# Test SSH connection using SSH key
ssh -T <alias>
Add private SSH key identities to the SSH authentication agent
# Start SSH authentication agent
eval $(ssh-agent)
# Add private SSH key identities to the SSH authentication agent. Provide passphrase
ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa*~*.pub
# Show added to the SSH authentication agent private SSH key identities
ssh-add -l
SSH tunneling (port forwarding)
- SSH tunneling transports arbitrary data between authenticated SSH client and authenticated SSH server over an untrusted network through an encrypted SSH connection (confidentiality, integrity). SSH tunneling provides secure connections to internal services from the outside
- SSH client forwards connections to a configured localhost:port to an SSH server through an encrypted SSH connection
- SSH server connects to a configured server:port e.g. DB
ssh -L [localIP:]localPort:destServer:destPort [sshUser@]sshServer
forward/backward charA-f|b
forward/backward wordC-a|e
beginning/end of line
delete forward/backward lineC-w
delete backward wordC-z
undo the last edit
previous/next history commandC-r
search command historyC-g
cancel operation
terminate programC-d
end input streamC-l
clear screen
forward/backward completionM-m/,
forward/backward completion
forward/backward lineC-f|b
forward/backward full screenC-d|u
forward/backward half screen
/- h|l
left / right character
/- [g]j|k
down / up [visual] line
beginning of the next / previous word +W|B
on whitespace onlye|ge
end of the next / previous word +E|gE
on whitespace only^|$
beginning / end of the current line content0
0 position of the current line%
jump between parentheseszz
current line in the middle of the screenH|M|L
move cursor to high / middle / low of the screen
Text objects
inside / around word / sentence / paragraph / tag +([{<"'
'">}]) ``
add surrounding in normal / visual modec|ds<sur>
change / delete surrounding in normal mode
Visual mode
char / line / block visual selectionC-v $
ragged right visual selectiono
go to the other end of selectiongv
re-select the last visual selection
current line 1-char snipe forward / backwrdt|T
current line 1-char exclusive snipe forward / backwrds|S
current line 2-char snipe forward / backwrd;|,
repeat last snipe forward / backwrdg s s
visible screen 2-char snipeg s /
visible screen timer snipeg;|,
jump to last modification backwrd / forward (change list)C-o|i
jump to last location backwrd / forward (jump list)m|'|`{a-z}
set mark / jump to mark line / column
search word under cursor forward / backwrd/|?
incremental search forward / backwrdn|N
repeat last search forward / backwrd:s/pattern/replace/gc
substitute pattern with replace (global, confirm)&
repeat last substitution on the current lineSPC s s
search bufferSPC s S
search buffer (word under cursor)SPC /
search projectSPC SPC
find file in project (git)SPC .
find file in directory (no git)SPC s f
locate file in systemq:|/|? j|k
query recent command line / forward / backwrd search
edit existing or new file:w[a]
write fileC-x C-c
exit Doom Emacs
Repeat, undo/redo
repeat the last changeu
undo the last changeC-r
redo the last undone change
Yank/paste, registers
yank till move / till the end of current lineyy
yank current linep|P
paste after / before cursor
insert at cursor / at the beginning of current linea|A
append at cursor / at the end of current lineo|O
open new line below cursor / above cursor
change till move / till the end of current linecc
change current linegu|U<move>
downcase / upcase till moveguu|UU
downcase / upcase current lineJ
join lines
delete character under cursord<move>|D
delete till move / till the end of current linedd
delete current line
Indentation and formatting
indent / dedent move>>|<<
indent / dedent current line=<move>
format move
comment / uncomment movegcc
comment / uncomment current line
switch bufferSPC `
switch to alternate bufferC-x k
kill buffer
C-w s|v
split window horizontal / verticalC-w =
equalize windowsC-w w|h|j|k|l
cycle / move between windowsC-w c
close active windowC-w r
rotate windowsC-x 0|1
close other / active window
Evil mode
Tab complete the common part of suggestion list
Enter complete with the selected suggestion
C-SPC trigger completion window
M-q format width of the selected text
Ctrl-y paste into the mini buffer
Motions within a buffer
Word/backwrd/end: w/W, b/B, e/E, ge/gE
Beginning/end of line: 0, ^, $,
Search single char in current line: f/F, t/T -> ;/,
Search regexp in a buffer: /?, */# -> n/N
Text objects: i/a w/s/p/t '/"/` )/}/]/>
Change inside: ci_
Delete around: da_
Operator + motion/text object: y, c, d, >, <, =, gc + w, it
Operator + operator: acts on the current line: cc, dd, >>, <<, ==, gcc, guu, gUU, g~~
Marks: m[mM]
m mark in a buffer
M global mark
`m (go to marked position)
Change list in a buffer: g;/g,
Jump list between buffers in a window: Ctrl-o/Ctrl-i
Registers: "ryy, "rp
r overwrite
R append
Shift-r (replace mode: . A Shift-r , a)
q: (query and edit ex command history)
q/ (query and edit search history)
Insert mode/command line mode
Alt-b, Alt-f (backwrd, forward word)
Ctrl-w (delete word backwrd)
Ctrl-r "/0 (paste unnamed/yank register)
Visual mode (should only be used when normal mode standard motions are not enough)
o (other end of selection)
Ctrl-v $ (ragged selection)
F1 k <key> show key binding
Evil surround
Normal mode: ys, cs, ds
Visual mode: S
Evil commenter
gcc comment a line
gc<movement> comment a movement
gc<a/i>(/[/{ comment outside/inside parentheses/brackets/braces
open recent files/in current directoryR
reload documentC-c|g
cancel operationC-n
toggle status barF11|F5
toggle full screen/presentation modeq
scroll left/down/up/rightC-f|b
scroll forward/backward pageC-d/u
scroll forward/backward half pageJ|K|H|L
scroll next/previous/top/bottom page
go to first/last/n pagem<a>|'<a>
mark page/go to marked pageC-i|o
go to next/previous jump list item
fit page height/width/dual view+|-|=|<n>=
zoom in/out/original size/% sizer
rotate document
search forward/backwardn|N
go to next/previous match
toggle index view -
move down/up, expand/collapse entry -
expand/collapse all entries -
convert in.jpg -rotate 90 -resize 1600 -crop 1450x2100+50+33 -threshold 60% -quality 70% cert.pdf
# Install PostgreSQL server, client and tools
yay -S postgresql
# Create PostgreSQL data directory
sudo mkdir /var/lib/postgres/data
sudo chown -R postgres:postgres /var/lib/postgres/data
sudo chmod 755 -R /var/lib/postgres/*
# Initialize PostgreSQL database cluster
sudo su postgres
initdb --locale en_US.UTF-8 --encoding UTF-8 -D /var/lib/postgres/data
# Enable/disable/start/stop/restart/status PostgreSQL database service
sudo systemctl enable|disable|start|stop|restart|status postgresql.service
# Show PostgreSQL log
journalctl -u postgresql.service
# Create database user
psql postgres postgres
# Create database
psql postgres vlad
# Connect to database
psql playground vlad
# Dump database schema
pg_dump -U vlad --schema-only playground > playground_dump_schema.sql
# Restore database schema
psql -h localhost -p 5432 -f playground_dump_schema.sql \
-v ON_ERROR_STOP=1 -v ECHO=queries playground vlad
- General
- Relations
- Functions
- Editing