Most people are communists for themselves, liberals for others. I am liberal for myself, communist for others.
- World Science DAO
- I know 12 errors in the USA thermonuclear weapon control system
- Algebraic theory of general topology + discontinuous analysis - I discovered ordered semigroup actions
- Ruster
- blockchain
- Python and better than Python
- Science
An electronic lamp broke and became a powerful radiation emitter. (I knew this later when I: 1. saw it sparkles, 2. noticed that the noise in my head followed high-frequency interference pattern dependenly on the positition of my body in the room.)
Under influence of the radiation emitter I behaved like a drunkard, said a not suitable word to a woman, and as a result conflicted with a community behaving not reasonably (sending many emails).
Because people have associative thinking that associates goods somebody produces with his person, the community losing me lost ability to produce goods. Isn't this the reason why there is not Ethereum 2.0 yet? My side harm is just a little reduced food quality, the community lost its creative power.
Communities have the disadvantage that they don't have a definiition of insanity and don't accept declined person back. Or is it possible to get me back? If there is a mean to restore broken community, let me know, I am interested.
As far as I know (Correct me if I’m wrong.), nobody else discovered more than one fundamental branch of mathematics (Von Neumann discovered several, but they are not quite fundamental), I did this about 4-5 times (dependently on how to count). So in a sense, I am the smartest human in History (except Jesus).
I made the following mathematical discoveries (
- “filtrators” (a generalization of filters on lattices and partially ordered sets)
- algebraic general topology, a generalization of general topology: “funcoids” and “reloids” and their properties (later I noticed also (not yet published) that funcoids are a special case of monotone ternary component-wise monotone operations on ordered sets (or on semilattices))
- ternary operations on ordered sets or ternary operations on semilattices (or particularly triples on ordered sets or triples on semilattices) as a generalization of general topology.
- definition of properties of “point-free funcoids” – generalizations of funcoids kinda “multidimensional” general topology (where the traditional one is in a sense 2-dimensional)
- definition of such things as the action of a partially ordered semigroup, the action of a partially ordered precategory, “space” and “interspace” as an element of such semigroups and precategories (“space in general” in the framework of general topology) and their basic properties
- definition and properties of a generalization of the limit, defined for an arbitrary function at all points
- axiomatic description of finite and infinite “formulas”
As far as I know, nobody else in History discovered more than one fundamental branch of mathematics. The very fundamental big branches of mathematics I discovered are emphasized above with bold font. (I didn’t also emphasize “filtrators” because this branch doesn’t seem very big.)
By the way, the three ones I discovered are probably the last ones (so, likely the most difficult to discover).
I am descpicable (see my scientific article about despising) and this destroys the civilization: People associate good things with me and me with bad things, so your associative thought causes to associate good with bad and with no work. This is enough to kill the civilization. Respect me. (I mean send money.)
So: acceptance of me is a common good, your slight desire to despise me overcoming your even lesser desire to do common good is a hindrance of common good.