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A 2D Logix editor that can transmit its programs to NeosVR remotely, through Websocket. Currently requires a NeosVR plugin.


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This tools allows you to represent LogiX programs and send it to NeosVR, through a Websocket interface.
To receive the program on NeosVR end, you'll also currently need a special NeosVR plugin available here.

The web editor can be tested on However, it will require the use of a Websocket relay server. One is provided on the page downloads section, though it is also available on Github.

Typical usage

In video

Desktop version

Real time example of the desktop version

Web version (Through

Real time example of the web version


  • Start the software.
    The editor

  • Open a previously saved program or click on the 'Logix' tab and start making a new program.

  • Once done, enter the name of the program, if not already done, and save it.

  • Keep the software opened and start NeosVR, using the NeosVR Launcher, and check VoyageNeosVRPlugin.dll in the plugins list.
    Start NeosVR with the NeosVR Launcher
    Select the VoyageNeosVRPlugin.dll

  • In NeosVR, open the inspector, select a slot where you want to add the program to, then add a Voyage > Remote Logix component. Open the inspector on a slot on which you want to upload the program to Add a component Choose Voyage and then Remote Logix

  • In NeosVR, configure the URL of the added component, then check the 'Connect' box. By defaults, the plugin URL ws://localhost:9080 targets the desktop version Websocket server. Input the websocket URL Then click on Connect, this should add a WebsocketClient component

  • Back to the software, click on 'Send through Websocket' Click on Send through Websocket button in the editor

  • In NeosVR, check the program has been uploaded. If the program was uploaded correctly, on the slot where 'Remote Logix' were added to, you should see a new child with the name of the uploaded program. The program slot will have two childs :

    1. DV for Dynamic Variables (unused at the moment)
    2. LogiX for the Logix nodes, where all the logix nodes will be stored

The program was uploaded correctly, it was added as a child slot You can now remove the WebsocketClient and RemoteLogix components

Once the program uploaded, you can disconnect and remove the RemoteLogix component, and then restart the game normally, and show your uploaded programs to your friends.

Restart the game normally You program is still there ! Enjoy !

Example program

On the first tab, click the button 'Load example program' located at the bottom of the screen.

Known issues


Saving can overwrite previous programs with the same name

WITHOUT WARNINGS. This will be resolved in the next version.

No proper 'New' button

This will also be resolved in the next version. These issues are mainly due to the fact that I only use this software for myself.

The nodes list is currently extremly limited

While there's an editor allowing you to add additional nodes, you'll have to know the C# class names of these nodes, as defined in the FrooxEngine.dll.
Note that you can load previously saved nodes definition by just dropping the JSON file on the application window, while the Nodes_Editor tab is selected.

Constant support is limited to simple values at the moment

Again, you can add definitions, but it will only support simple values.

No dynamic variables definitions

You can read and write float, string and int dynamic variables, but you cannot create them directly from the software.

Connection behaviour can differ from NeosVR

The current node system allows you to connect multiple outputs to one input, which might not be handled on the NeosVR side actually.

Disconnecting nodes with multiple inputs is a pain

Since you have to pull out an input connection to cut a connection, when multiple elements are connected to the same input, you'll have to try multiple times until you grab the right connection.


Be careful when you delete nodes, there is NO undo support at the moment.

Reuploading a program just make a copy

If you reupload the same program twice, it will just make two copies of the same program, instead of updating the first one.

No file selector for open/save

This issue is due to Godot limited support for file selectors, when creating a web version. So, currently, all the programs are stored in the user-directory.
This user-directory is emulated using 'Application Data' interfaces for the Web version.
You can still add scripts by dropping the files on the programs list, however the files needs to end with a '.slx' extension.

Currently the code is HORRENDOUS

The code clearly needs to be split. Currently, almost everything is packed into the 1700+ lines
It's mainly rushed since I just wanted to test if the whole idea of a remote programmer was possible, and present the idea.

Horrible nodes selection menu

Currently everything is packed into one giant popup menu that you need to scroll. I'll add sub-menus ASAP, but at the moment, you'll have to bear with that.


This will be fixed as soon as possible. Still, at the moment, added nodes definitions cannot be removed.


Again, this will be fixed as soon as possible, though some types are actually required to operate correctly. So, in the future, you might be able to add/remove additional types, in order to deal with potential NeosVR updates before the editor gets updated, but you won't be able to remove pre-added types anyway.

No dummy support. Nodes using generics will require the entire Generic definition

That is especially true for NotNullNode and ReadDynamicVariable or WriteDynamicVariable.
Note that you need the C# definition, so ReadDynamicVariable<float> is actually ReadDynamicVariable<System.Single>. This will be fixed at some point, with automatic type discovery based on input/output connections, but for the moment you'll have to bear with that.

Functionnalities on each tab


Adding a saved program

If you previously backed up logix scripts, you can drop it on top of the programs list.
Be sure to rename it '.slx' first.
You can drop multiple files at once. On the desktop versions, you can also put them in**%Appdata%/NeosRemoteLogix**. Be sure to follow the naming convention : **logix_program_[PROGRAM_NAME]`.slx**

Delete a saved program

Right click on the program you want to delete and select 'Delete'.
On desktop versions, you can also check %Appdata%/NeosRemoteLogix .

Backing up saved programs.

On the web versions, your only way will be to copy the previewed scirpt into a file, and save it with the .slx extension.
On desktop versions, you can also check %Appdata%/NeosRemoteLogix .
All the programs will be named logix_program_[PROGRAM_NAME].slx.

Creating a new program

Just start or restarts the software, click on the Logix tab and start developing.


Adding nodes

Open the nodes selection popup menu by right-clicking somewhere in the grid, and then select the node you want to add.
You can scroll in the popup menu with the mouse wheel.

Removing nodes

Select the nodes you want to remove and hit Delete on your keyboard.

Copying nodes

You can duplicate nodes by selecting them and hit Ctrl+D on your keyboard.

Connecting nodes

Drag one node output to another node input.

Disconnecting nodes

Pull out a connected input connection to an empty space.


Save the added nodes definitions

Click on the Save nodes definitions button, at the top left of the editor.

Backup the nodes definitions

Copy/paste the content of the nodes definition, as presented in the right pane, in a text file and save the file with a .json extension.

Load backed up nodes definitions

Drop the previously backed up .json file containing the nodes definitions on the nodes editor.

Adding a node definition

Cilck on the Create node button, near the top of the editor, then fill the Classname with the full C# class name of the node, as defined in the FrooxEngine.dll.

Removing a node definition

Not supported at the moment

Adding inputs/outputs slot to a node

Click the Add Slot button below Inputs or Outputs, then click on the new undefined node added and start editing it.

Editing a node slot

Select the slot you want to edit and :

  • fill out the name in Name;
  • change the type by selecting one in the Type dropdown menu.

Deleting a slot

  • Select the slot you want to remove
  • Click on Delete Edited slot on the bottom right of the Type dropdown menu.

Adding a type

Be careful, added types cannot be removed through the editor, at the moment !

  • Click on Create new type below the Types list

Then start editing it.

Editing a type

  • Fill out the new type name in Name
  • Select the input/output color in Color. Defaults to dark gray.


Starting the Websocket server

Won't work with the Web version.

The server is started automatically on desktop versions.

Define the address and port to listen on, then click on Start.
If the server is started correctly, the status color on the left will change to green.

Stopping the Websocket server

Just click on Stop, at the right of the Server configuration section.

Connecting to a Websocket relay server

The relay just have to take the input relay it to NeosVR

Check 'Send through relay serverat the bottom of the screen, then fill up the URI of the Websocket relay server and click onConnect`.

Disconnecting from a Websocket relay server

Just click on Disconnect, at the right of the Send through relay server configuration section.

Support !

I always appreciate some support !

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  • bitcoin: 16zwQUkG29D49G6C7pzch18HjfJqMXFNrW
  • dogecoin: DAqjX8Hgw8bwSoAJoB15y6LwipaHDBtrtW


A 2D Logix editor that can transmit its programs to NeosVR remotely, through Websocket. Currently requires a NeosVR plugin.







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