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A CLI to manage ForgeRock platform deployments supporting Identity Cloud tenants, ForgeOps deployments, and classic deployments.


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Frodo CLI (@rockcarver/frodo-cli) - Export, import, and manage PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud configuration

A command line interface to manage PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud environments, ForgeOps deployments, and classic deployments. Frodo-cli is powered by frodo-lib, a hybrid (ESM and CJS) library to manage PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud environments, ForgeOps deployments, and classic deployments.

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Quick start

For the impatient

The below steps install the latest unstable (next) version of the cli using homebrew (only for MacOS and linux):

$ brew tap rockcarver/frodo-cli
$ brew install frodo-cli-next
$ frodo conn add [email protected] '5uP3r-53cr3t!'
$ frodo info my-tenant
$ frodo journey export .... # or whatever you need to use frodo for

Detailed quick-start follows.


Homebrew (preferred for Mac OS [x86 and M1] and linux)

  1. Make sure you have a working homebrew.
  2. Tap the custom formula as below:
$ brew tap rockcarver/frodo-cli
==> Tapping rockcarver/frodo-cli
Cloning into '/opt/homebrew/Library/Taps/rockcarver/homebrew-frodo-cli'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 8, done.
  1. Once its tapped, you can install either the STABLE major version or the latest/unstable (next) version, as below


$ brew install frodo-cli
==> Fetching rockcarver/frodo-cli/frodo-cli
==> Cloning

Or latest/unstable (next)

$ brew install frodo-cli-next
==> Fetching rockcarver/frodo-cli/frodo-cli-next
==> Cloning

To verify the installation, run frodo -v, it should print something like:

$ frodo -v
You are running the binary release.
Installed versions:
cli: v2.0.0-43
lib: v2.0.0-59
node: v18.18.2

If you have the STABLE version installed and you want to get the latest, do:

$ brew uninstall frodo-cli
$ brew install frodo-cli-next

Or vice-versa.

To upgrade to latest frodo

$ brew upgrade frodo-cli
==> Upgrading 1 outdated package:
rockcarver/frodo-cli/frodo-cli-next 2.0.0-43 -> 2.0.0-44
==> Fetching rockcarver/frodo-cli/frodo-cli-next
==> Cloning
Updating /Users/sandeep.chaturvedi/Library/Caches/Homebrew/frodo-cli-next--git
 * [new tag]           v2.0.0-44  -> v2.0.0-44
==> Checking out tag v2.0.0-44
Previous HEAD position was 9a968346 Updated changelog and version for release v2.0.0-43
HEAD is now at e687fdf6 Updated changelog and version for release v2.0.0-44
HEAD is now at e687fdf6 Updated changelog and version for release v2.0.0-44
==> Upgrading rockcarver/frodo-cli/frodo-cli-next
  2.0.0-43 -> 2.0.0-44

Alternate method - download precompiled binary

Alternatively, for MacOS (x86 only), linux and Windows, you can also download the platform specific binary archive from the release page and unzip it to a directory. For MacOS (x86 only) and Windows, you may have to allow running unsigned binaries on those platforms. How to do that is out of scope for this README.

Using / running

You can either run with a saved connection profile (most common way) or not. To run with a connection profile, you need to create one:

  1. Run frodo conn add (example below) to setup frodo for your ForgeRock environment. If all parameters are correct, frodo creates a new connection profile. If you are offline and don't want to validate the data you enter, you can use the --no-validate paramter and frodo stores the connection profile without validating it.

    $ frodo conn add [email protected] '5uP3r-53cr3t!'
    Connected to [alpha] as user [email protected]
    Created and added service account Frodo-SA-1677517618855 with id af5eadc7-d59a-450a-967d-090b377b4eaf to profile.
    Created log API key 7683791888e2c7740eb91abd988b65f7 and secret.
    Saved connection profile
  2. Test your connection profile using a simple convenience feature in frodo:

    $ frodo info my-tenant
    Connected to [alpha] as service account Frodo-SA-1677517618855 [af5eadc7-d59a-450a-967d-090b377b4eaf]
    Host URL       │
    AM Version     │7.3.0-SNAPSHOT Build 3cee5f270ed80b0354b709e8685e2681617e9c5a (2023-February-06 13:57)
    Subject (Type) │Frodo-SA-1677517618855 [af5eadc7-d59a-450a-967d-090b377b4eaf] (Service Account)       
    Deployment Type│cloud                                                                                 
    Cookie Name    │27e1d6427df2a07                                                                       
    Immutable      │false                                                                                 
    Locked         │false                                                                                 
    Region         │us-west1                                                                              
    Tier           │other                                                                                 
    Bearer token:

    Note how the command does not specify the complete tenant URL nor username nor password. It only needs a unique substring that matches the tenant URL and frodo looks up and uses the right connection profile.

  3. Now you can use other frodo commands, like journey, logs, applications etc. as desired. For detailed usage, refer to this


User Mode

Individuals who do not intend to develop or contribute to frodo should use this method. Please refer to Quick Start

Developer Mode

For those who want to contribute or are just curious about the build process.

  • Make sure you have Node.js 18, 20, or 22 installed.
  • Clone this repo
    git clone
  • Install via NPM
    cd frodo-cli
    npm install
    npm i -g

NPM package

If you are a node developer and want to use frodo as a cli tool or as a library for your own applications, you can install the npm package:

  • To install (or update to) the latest version as a cli tool:
    npm i -g @rockcarver/frodo-cli
  • To install (or update to) the latest pre-release:
    npm i @rockcarver/frodo-cli@next


You can invoke frodo from the terminal as long as you're in the directory or sourced/added it to the path.

To get started, refer to Quick Start.

Connection Profiles

A connection profile is a set of ForgeRock environment URL (Access Management base URL), admin username and admin password. It can optionally contain log API key and secret for a ForgeRock Identity Cloud environment. All connection profiless are stored in ~/.frodo/.frodorc. Passwords are stored encrypted. .frodorc can house information for multiple connections.

Use the frodo conn sub-commands to manage connections:

  • frodo conn list to list all the connections frodo currently knows about for the current machine and user.
  • frodo conn add to add a new connection profile.
  • frodo conn describe to see all the details of a connection profile.
  • frodo conn delete to remove a connection profile.

Once frodo saves a connection, you don't have to provide the host, username, and password arguments. You can reference your connection using any unique substring from your host. This is the most common way users would run frodo. For example, if and are two saved ForgeRock connections from previous commands, one would simply use:

frodo info example-use1-dev


frodo info example-use1-staging

cli options

You interact with frodo using commands and options. You can see the list of options by using the help command

frodo help
Usage: frodo [options] [command]

  -v, --version                                output the version number
  -h, --help                                   display help for command

  admin                                        Platform admin tasks.
  agent                                        Manage agents.
  app|application                              Manage OAuth2 applications.
  conn|connection                              Manage connection profiles.
  email                                        Manage email templates and configuration.
  esv                                          Manage environment secrets and variables (ESVs).
  idm                                          Manage IDM configuration.
  idp                                          Manage (social) identity providers.
  info [options] [host] [username] [password]  Print versions and tokens.
  journey                                      Manage journeys/trees.
  logs                                         List/View Identity Cloud logs
  realm                                        Manage realms.
  saml                                         Manage SAML entity providers and circles of trust.
  script                                       Manage scripts.
  service                                      Manage AM services.
  theme                                        Manage themes.
  help [command]                               display help for command

Or to view options for a specific command

frodo journey help
Usage: frodo journey [options] [command]

Manage journeys/trees.

  -h, --help      Help

  delete          Delete journeys/trees.
  describe        If host argument is supplied, describe the journey/tree indicated by -t, or all journeys/trees in the realm if no
                  -t is supplied, otherwise describe the journey/tree export file indicated by -f.
  disable         Disable journeys/trees.
  enable          Enable journeys/trees.
  export          Export journeys/trees.
  help [command]  display help for command
  import          Import journeys/trees.
  list            List journeys/trees.
  prune           Prune orphaned configuration artifacts left behind after deleting authentication trees. You will be prompted
                  before any destructive operations are performed.
frodo journey help export
Usage: frodo journey export [options] [host] [realm] [username] [password]

Export journeys/trees.

  host                         Access Management base URL, e.g.: To use a connection profile, just
                               specify a unique substring.
  realm                        Realm. Specify realm as '/' for the root realm or 'realm' or '/parent/child' otherwise. (default:
                               "alpha" for Identity Cloud tenants, "/" otherwise.)
  username                     Username to login with. Must be an admin user with appropriate rights to manage authentication
  password                     Password.

  -a, --all                    Export all the journeys/trees in a realm. Ignored with -i.
  -A, --all-separate           Export all the journeys/trees in a realm as separate files <journey/tree name>.json. Ignored with -i
                               or -a.
  --curlirize                  Output all network calls in curl format.
  -D, --directory <directory>  Destination directory.
  --debug                      Debug output during command execution. If specified, may or may not produce additional output helpful
                               for troubleshooting.
  -f, --file <file>            Name of the file to write the exported journey(s) to. Ignored with -A.
  -h, --help                   Help
  -i, --journey-id <journey>   Name of a journey/tree. If specified, -a and -A are ignored.
  -k, --insecure               Allow insecure connections when using SSL/TLS. Has no effect when using a network proxy for https
                               (HTTPS_PROXY=http://<host>:<port>), in that case the proxy must provide this capability. (default:
                               Don't allow insecure connections)
  -m, --type <type>            Override auto-detected deployment type. Valid values for type:
                               classic:  A classic Access Management-only deployment with custom layout and configuration.
                               cloud:    A ForgeRock Identity Cloud environment.
                               forgeops: A ForgeOps CDK or CDM deployment.
                               The detected or provided deployment type controls certain behavior like obtaining an Identity
                               Management admin token or not and whether to export/import referenced email templates or how to walk
                               through the tenant admin login flow of Identity Cloud and handle MFA (choices: "classic", "cloud",
  --no-deps                    Do not include any dependencies (scripts, email templates, SAML entity providers and circles of
                               trust, social identity providers, themes).
  -O, --organize <method>      Organize exports into folders using the indicated method. Valid values for method:
                               id: folders named by id of exported object
                               type: folders named by type (e.g. script, journey, idp)
                               type/id: folders named by type with sub-folders named by id
  --sa-id <sa-id>              Service account id.
  --sa-jwk-file <file>         File containing the JSON Web Key (JWK) associated with the the service account.
  --use-string-arrays          Where applicable, use string arrays to store multi-line text (e.g. scripts). (default: off)
  --verbose                    Verbose output during command execution. If specified, may or may not produce additional output.

Feature requests

Please use the repository's issues to request new features/enhancements or report bugs/issues.


If you would like to contribute to frodo, please refer to the contributing instructions.


If you are a maintainer of this repository, please refer to the pipeline and release process instructions.


A CLI to manage ForgeRock platform deployments supporting Identity Cloud tenants, ForgeOps deployments, and classic deployments.




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