- Hello, this is my second (now main) github account, as my original's password was in a data leak.
- I am a solo, freelance Rust developer, along with proficencies in C# & Python.
- CyberSec Enthusiast
- I am looking for a repository to work on currently, any suggestions will be welcome.
- I have interests in networking (but not web), desktop software development & anything that means I don't have to make a gui.
- I daily drive Vanilla OS
- contact me at: [email protected]
Buy me a coffee, im starving https://buymeacoffee.com/vtj0cgj
i also take crypto
dogecoin network: DJZKqyJNwU2nZMrGgWh1phLKtmf2ofkxxf
Ethereum network: 0x2aac6d770eaab8c8f28b7cb5ec44e4aca448fb7c