MONO FA is an R tool implemented to perform absolute protein quantification for single sample SWATH-MS experiments. The tool uses a scoring schema that combines both the variation and co-variation of ions to assess their quality, filters the ion measurements and summarizes the absolute protein expressions. The quantification report is exported in .xlsx format.
The tool accepts ion peak area or intensity reports in .xlsx format.
(A template of the input can be found in Data/NIST data/NIST mAb_40min_2000ppm_8ug_3xIDA__FDR_4xSWexpep.xlsx)
Download the present repository to your computer and install the following R packages:
install.packages(c("readxl", "writexl", "crayon", "seqinr"))
The tool's functions are in MONO_FA_Functions.R file.
Open Perform_MONO_FA.R file and run the "source("MONO_FA_Functions.R")" to include the functions.
Run the absolute.mono.fa() function.
Instructions on how to use the function are provided by comments in the Perform_MONO_FA.R file.
For software issues and general questions, please submit an issue.