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Bottlerocket Test System

A system for testing Bottlerocket. To learn more about how it works, see the design document.


The system consists of a command line interface, Kubernetes controller, custom resource definition (CRD) objects and containers that allow you to create resources and run tests. You install TestSys into a cluster of your choice, we call this the TestSys cluster. When running a test, resource agents create an external cluster where we run Bottlerocket instances and run tests. This is called an external cluster.

Project Status

🚧 👷

The project is in active pre-release development. Eventually we plan to publish container images and other aspects of the system, but we aren't quite there yet. We also are not quite ready for external contributions, but we are happy to respond to issues and discussions.


Since nothing has been published yet, you will have to build everything! You will need docker, cargo, make, kind, and the aws CLI for this. Caution: if you follow these instructions, you will create an EKS cluster and EC2 instances!

Set the TESTSYS_DIR variable to point to the directory in which you have cloned the project. For example:

export TESTSYS_DIR="${HOME}/repos/bottlerocket-test-system"

Set a few more variables. You might want to change the AWS region:

export TESTSYS_DIR="$HOME/repos/bottlerocket-test-system"
export EKS_CLUSTER_NAME=external-cluster
export EKS_REGION="us-west-2"
export CARGO_HOME="${TESTSYS_DIR}/.cargo"
alias testsys="${TESTSYS_DIR}/.cargo/bin/testsys"

Install the testsys command line tool into the local CARGO_HOME and build the containers we need:

cargo install --path "${TESTSYS_DIR}/testsys" --force

make controller
make ec2-resource-agent
make eks-resource-agent
make sonobuoy-test-agent

docker tag controller controller:eks
docker tag ec2-resource-agent ec2-resource-agent:eks
docker tag eks-resource-agent eks-resource-agent:eks
docker tag sonobuoy-test-agent sonobuoy-test-agent:eks

We will use a local kind cluster as our TestSys cluster. Here we create it and load our container images into it using kind. Note, the kind load docker-image command frequently reports an error even when everything seems to have worked.

kind create cluster --name "${TESTSYS_CLUSTER_NAME}"

kind load docker-image \
  controller:eks \
  ec2-resource-agent:eks \
  eks-resource-agent:eks \
  sonobuoy-test-agent:eks \

Next we install the TestSys namespace, controller and CRD schemas into the TestSys cluster. We also set our kubeconfig context to the testsys namespace for convenience.

testsys install --controller-uri controller:eks
kubectl config set-context --current --namespace="testsys-bottlerocket-aws"

We will be creating an EKS cluster and EC2 instances, so we need to create a Kubernetes secret with our AWS credentials.

testsys add secret map  \
 --name "aws-creds" \
 "access-key-id=$(aws configure get default.aws_access_key_id)" \
 "secret-access-key=$(aws configure get default.aws_secret_access_key)"

Now we are ready to run a Bottlerocket test. We get the latest AMI ID. Then we pass it to TestSys which will create an EKS cluster, launch Bottlerocket nodes and run a Sonobuoy test in 'quick' mode.

Caution: The command below specifies never as the --cluster-destruction-policy. This is because creating a cluster takes a long time, and we might want to re-use it. To delete the cluster manually, use eksctl delete cluster "external-cluster" or delete the relevant Cloudformation stacks. You can also change the --cluster-destruction-policy to onDelete in the command below. If you do, then when you kubectl delete resource external-cluster, the EKS cluster will be deleted.

export AMI_ID=$(aws ssm get-parameter \
  --region "${REGION}" \
  --name "/aws/service/bottlerocket/${VARIANT}/${ARCH}/latest/image_id" \
  --query Parameter.Value --output text)

testsys run aws-k8s \
  --name "testsys-demo" \
  --test-agent-image "sonobuoy-test-agent:eks" \
  --keep-running \
  --sonobuoy-mode "quick" \
  --kubernetes-version "v${K8S_VER}" \
  --aws-secret "aws-creds" \
  --region "${REGION}" \
  --cluster-name "${EKS_CLUSTER_NAME}" \
  --cluster-creation-policy "ifNotExists" \
  --cluster-destruction-policy "never" \
  --cluster-provider-image "eks-resource-agent:eks" \
  --ami "${AMI_ID}" \
  --ec2-provider-image "ec2-resource-agent:eks"


Project Structure

  • model is the root dependency. It includes the CRDs and clients for interacting with them.

  • controller contains the Kubernetes controller responsible for running resource and test pods.

  • agent contains libraries with the traits and harnesses for creating test and resource agents.

  • bottlerocket-agents contains the implementations of the test and resource traits that we use for Bottlerocket testing.

  • testsys contains the command line interface for installing the system and running tests.

The model, agents and controller crates are general-purpose, and define the TestSys system. It is possible to use these libraries and controller to for testing purposes other than Bottlerocket.

The testsys CLI and bottlerocket-agents crates are more specialized to Bottlerocket's testing use cases.


See CONTRIBUTING for more information.


This project is dual licensed under either the Apache-2.0 License or the MIT license, your choice.


A system for testing Bottlerocket



Code of conduct





No packages published


  • Rust 95.5%
  • Dockerfile 3.0%
  • Makefile 1.1%
  • Shell 0.4%