Open language/language_string.go
file. Add your string to the list of constants.
package language
type LanguageString string
const (
Greet LanguageString = "Greet"
Open all the language files i.e. language/language_en.go
and add your string to the map.
package language
import ""
type English struct {
Values map[LanguageString]string
func NewEnglish() *English {
return &English{
Values: map[LanguageString]string{
Greet: "Hello!",
func (e *English) Get(key LanguageString) (string, error) {
value, ok := e.Values[key]
if !ok {
return "", errors.NewLanguageStringError(string(key))
return value, nil
import ""
func printGreet() {
s, err := language.LanguageInstance.Get(language.Greet)
if err != nil {
return log.Fatal(err)
Create a file in handlers/commands/
folder i.e. handlers/commands/greet.go
package commands
import (
tg ""
func GreetCommand() types.UpdateHandlerFunction {
return func(bot *tg.BotAPI, update tg.Update, user *models.User) (tg.Chattable, error) {
s, err := language.LanguageInstance.Get(language.Greet)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return tg.NewMessage(
), nil
Open handlers/commands/commands.go
and add your command to the map.
package commands
import ""
var CommandsMap = map[string]func() types.UpdateHandlerFunction{
"greet": GreetCommand,
You can now use your /greet command.
Message handlers are useful for handling keyboard button inputs.
For example, let's create a /start
command that will send a greeting message with a keyboard.
func StartCommand() types.UpdateHandlerFunction {
return func(bot *tg.BotAPI, update tg.Update, user *models.User) (tg.Chattable, error) {
text, err := language.LanguageInstance.Get(language.Start)
if err != nil {
return tg.MessageConfig{}, err
replyMsg := tg.NewMessage(update.Message.Chat.ID, text)
replyMsg.ReplyToMessageID = update.Message.MessageID
replyMsg.ReplyMarkup = tg.NewReplyKeyboard(
return replyMsg, nil
Create a file in handlers/messages/
folder i.e. handlers/messages/help.go
package messages
import (
tgbotapi ""
func HelpMessage() types.UpdateHandlerFunction {
return func(bot *tgbotapi.BotAPI, update tgbotapi.Update, user *models.User) (tgbotapi.Chattable, error) {
return tgbotapi.NewMessage(update.Message.Chat.ID, "This is a help message"), nil
Open handlers/messages/messages.go
and add your message handler to the map.
package messages
import ""
var MessagesMap = map[string]func() types.UpdateHandlerFunction{
"help": HelpMessage,
You can now use your Help
Callback data has a call (a key in the CallbackMap) and data that can be anything.
type CallbackData struct {
Call string `json:"c"`
Data any `json:"d"`
If you, for example, you are making an ecommerce bot and you want to make a button that opens the category with id 1.
callback_data, err := types.NewCallbackData("category", "1").Marshal()
The button callback data will look like this: {"c":"category","cid":1}
You can pass any JSON serializable data to the callback data. This can be usefull for creating a back
callback_data, err := types.NewCallbackData(
struct {
CategoryId uint `json:"cid"`
OpenedFromCategoryId uint `json:"from"`
CategoryId: 1,
OpenedFromCategoryId: 2,
The button callback data will look like this: {"c":"category",{"cid":1,"from":2}}
It's a great idea to use short strings for keys and data because telegram has a character limit for button callback data.
For example, let's create a /start
command that will send a greeting message with an inline keyboard.
func StartCommand() types.UpdateHandlerFunction {
return func(bot *tg.BotAPI, update tg.Update, user *models.User) (tg.Chattable, error) {
text, err := language.LanguageInstance.Get(language.Start)
if err != nil {
return tg.MessageConfig{}, err
callback_data, err := types.NewCallbackData("category", "1").Marshal()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
replyMsg := tg.NewMessage(update.Message.Chat.ID, text)
replyMsg.ReplyToMessageID = update.Message.MessageID
replyMsg.ReplyMarkup = tg.NewInlineKeyboardMarkup(
tg.NewInlineKeyboardButtonData("Open category", string(callback_data)),
return replyMsg, nil
Create a file in handlers/callbacks/
folder i.e. handlers/callbacks/category.go
package callbacks
import (
tg ""
func CategoryCallback(data types.CallbackData) types.UpdateHandlerFunction {
return func(bot *tg.BotAPI, update tg.Update, user *models.User) (tg.Chattable, error) {
category_id, ok := data.Data.(uint)
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("category_id is not string")
category, err := storage.StorageInstance.GetCategoryById(category_id)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
t, err := language.LanguageInstance.Get(language.CategoryFormat)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return tg.NewEditMessageText(
fmt.Sprintf(t, category.Name),
), nil
Open handlers/callbacks/callbacks.go
and add your callback to the map.
package callbacks
import ""
var CallbackMap = map[string]func(types.CallbackData) types.UpdateHandlerFunction{
"category": CategoryCallback,
You can now use your Open category
Environment variables can be added to config/config.go.
Name | Description |
TELEGRAM_TOKEN | Your Telegram bot token |
IS_DEBUG | Sets tgbotapi.Bot.Debug=true if IS_DEBUG=true |
LANGUAGE | Sets the language. Possible values are en or ru |
STORAGE_TYPE | Database type. Possible value is sqlite |
SQLITE_PATH | A path to your sqlite database. Example: data.db |
LOGGER_TYPE | Logger type. Possible value is console . Defaults to no logger if not set. |
To start the bot in live reload mode, run the air
To build the docker container, run make build-docker
To the run the container, run make run-docker