A set of PHP library functions to help students with their project work, particularly with MySQL DB access and debugging
Current version: 4.0 (see lib/version.md)
Included are files for a simple demo application that shows the library functions in use.
An SQL dump of a MySQL database for the demo can be found in the db folder.
Connect to MySQL server databases: connectToDB()
Example of use...
// Connect to the database using credentials in _db.ini
$db = connectToDB();
$query = 'SELECT * FROM items';
try {
$stmt = $db->prepare($query);
$items = $stmt->fetchAll();
catch (PDOException $e) {
consoleError($e->getMessage(), 'Items Fetch');
die('There was an error getting item data');
foreach($items as $item) {
echo $item['name'];
Obtain data about uploaded images for insert into DB: uploadedImageData()
When uploading an image via a multi-part form...
<input type="submit" value="Upload Image">
The uploaded image's information is validated and returned, ready to be added to a database...
if(empty($_FILES)) die ('Problem uploading the image (probably too large)');
// Get image data and type of uploaded file from $_FILES
'data' => $imageData,
'type' => $imageType
] = uploadedImageData($_FILES['image']);
$db = connectToDB();
$query = 'INSERT INTO items (image_type, image_data)
VALUES (?, ?)';
// Run the query, passing along the image data
try {
$stmt = $db->prepare($query);
$stmt->execute([$imageType, $imageData]);
catch (PDOException $e) {
consoleError($e->getMessage(), 'Image Insert');
die('There was an error adding image to the database');
Show info in the JS console to aid in PHP debugging:
- consoleLog()
- consoleLError()
- consoleBeginGroup()
- consoleEndGroup()
- consoleDivider()
Example of use...
consoleGroupStart('NEW REQUEST');
consoleLog($url, 'Request URL');
consoleLog($method, 'Method');
consoleLog($type, 'Type');
consoleLog($route, 'Route');
if ($params) consoleLog($params, 'Parameters');
if ($_GET) consoleLog($_GET, 'GET Data');
if ($_POST) consoleLog($_POST, 'POST Data');
if ($_FILES) consoleLog($_FILES, 'FILES Data');
if ($_SESSION) consoleLog($_SESSION, 'SESSION Data');
Show a pop-out debug panel at the bottom-right of the screen:
- ShowDebugInfo()
Configure file download output streams:
- prepareDownload()
- finaliseDownload()
Example of use...
// Setup the output stream
$output = prepareDownload( 'info', 'txt' );
// Add the info
fputs( $output, 'Name: '.$thing['name'].PHP_EOL );
fputs( $output, 'Desc: '.$thing['desc'].PHP_EOL );
// And close the stream
finaliseDownload( $output );
Convert plain text to HTML paragraphs:
- text2paras()
Example of use...
echo text2paras($thing['description']);
Format and manage dates and times in various ways:
- formattedDate()
- formattedTime()
- isToday()
- isInPast()
- daysFromToday()
- ageInYears()
Example of use...
echo 'Born: '.formattedDate($user['dob']);
echo ' ('.ageInYears($user['dob']).')';
echo 'Posted at ' . formattedTime($post['timestamp']);
echo ' on ' . formattedDate($post['timestamp']);
echo ' (' . daysFromToday($post['timestamp']) . ')';