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BOB is a smart cheats system for unity games. You can create cheats and use them in-game by writing one single method.


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BOBCheats - Unity plugin GeekBox Logo

BOB is a smart cheats system for unity games. The idea to create this plugin was to create a system that would make creating cheats for your game a pleasure. You can create cheats and use it in a game by writing just one single method.

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  • Added boolean type argument drawer so now it's possible to create cheats with bool arguments.
  • Added custom assemblies to separate BOB from other stuff in project.
  • Changed now double tap is disabled on no mobile platforms (Android and IOS) and only avaible on mobile divices.

💾 How do I cheat? (Installation)

To start working with BOB, just follow a few simple steps.

  1. Download and unpack latest release version of plugin (.unitypackage) from Here!
  2. Open BOBCheats settings from Window/BOBCheats and click Create BOBManager. Then it should spawn a GameObject in your scene.

BOBCheats settings editor window preview.

  1. Now create a folder i.e. Cheats in your project (we will use it for storing game cheats).
  2. Create a cheats container class inside folder from step 3. Cheats container must be a class inherited from class CheatBase.
using BOBCheats;

// Example of class to store cheats. You can create more than one class.
public class GameCheats : CheatBase

  1. Inside class defined in previous step write cheats methods, each cheat must be an public static void method with [Cheat] attribute.
  2. Now you can show cheats menu in game by pressing f12 button on a keyboard or double tap on a screen (mobile device).

Example of a correctly created class with cheats methods.

using BOBCheats;

// Example of class to store cheats with simple cheat methods.
public class GameCheats : CheatBase
    public static void PauseGameCheat()
        // Do stuff...
    public static void AddCoinsCheat(int coins)
        // Do stuff with parameter...

📊 BOB settings

Settings window can be open from Window/BOBCheats.

  • IS auto initialize enabled - Set auto initialize ON or OFF, if ON BOBCheatsManager will be spawned automatically after scene loaded.
  • Activate key short - Set key to show BOB menu in game (default f12).
  • Reload cheats collection - Manual refresh collection of all created cheats.
  • Create BOBManager - Spawn BOBManager in scene hierarchy, can be saved as .prefab.


[Cheat] Attribute

Each cheat method must have the [Cheat] attribute. Using an attribute without parameters will display the cheat name in the menu as a function name with spaces between lower case and upper case letters. The attribute can be defined using a string type parameter that defines the name to be displayed in the GUI menu.

Example of using [Cheat] attribute without parameters.

    public static void PauseGameCheat()
        // This cheat will be displayed in cheat game menu as "Pause Game Cheat".
    [Cheat("Change Weather - Rain")]
    public static void MakeItRain()
        // This cheat will be displayed in cheat game menu as "Change Weather - Rain".

Example of using [Cheat] attribute with parameter defined cheats group name. Every group names defined in cheats classes will be displayed as a separated bookmark on BOBCheat GUI.

    [Cheat("Category A")]
    public static void CategoryACheat1()
        // This cheat will be in ,,Category A'' labeled bookmark on GUI.
    [Cheat("Category A")]
    public static void CategoryACheat2()
        // This cheat will be in ,,Category A'' labeled bookmark on GUI.
    [Cheat("Category B")]
    public static void CategoryBCheat1()
        // This cheat will be in ,,Category B'' labeled bookmark on GUI.

The [Cheat] attribute allows setting a second parameter defining a new cheat name on BOBCheat GUI. If you set the second parameter responsible for category name as empty, the attached cheat will display on the default category named "Other".

Example of using [Cheat] attribute with parameter defining name of attached cheat on BOBCheat GUI.

    [Cheat("", "Change Weather - Rain")]
    public static void MakeItRain()
        // This cheat will be displayed in cheat game menu as "Change Weather - Rain".

❗ Limitations

  • Only prymitive types can be used as cheat parameters (string, int, float, boolean).

If you found a bug in the plugin or have an idea for additional functionality, open Issue and write your opinion in it.


MIT © wanakubwa

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BOB is a smart cheats system for unity games. You can create cheats and use them in-game by writing one single method.








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