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Install Kind

A kubernetes cluster is required to run the operator. kind is recommended for local development. Install kind and create a cluster:

brew install kind
kind create cluster

This will create a new kind cluster with the name kind. The kubernetes context will be called kind-kind.

Install Tilt

Tilt is a tool for local development of Kubernetes applications. Install tilt:

brew install tilt

Install Kubebuilder

kubebuilder is a tool for building Kubernetes operators. Install kubebuilder:

brew install kubebuilder

Configuring and Running Tilt

Tilt Settings

There are settings for Tilt that can be configured using a tilt-settings.json file. The settings file is not checked into source control. A sample settings file is provided in tilt-settings.sample.json. To use the sample settings file, copy it to tilt-settings.json

By default, Tilt is configured to only allow connections to the following Kubernetes contexts:

  • docker-desktop
  • kind-kind
  • minikube

Please add any additional contexts to the allowedContexts list in your tilt-settings.json file.

Running Tilt

tilt up



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