Java/Kotlin contract SDK used for building Docker smart contracts.
All transaction handling is done via methods of a single class marked with @ContractHandler
The methods which implement handling logic are marked with @ContractInit
(for CreateContractTx) and @ContractAction
(for CallContractTx).
- we-contract-sdk-api. Contains mainly interfaces and annotations for marking contract handlers and their methods. Should be used directly by *-contract-api modules.
- we-contract-sdk-client. The client contract is used to interact with the contract from the backend code of Java/Kotlin applications. README
- we-contract-sdk-core. Core processing contract transactions logic. Transport and mapping is not implemented in core module and should be provided externally.
- we-contract-sdk-jackson. Jackson JSON mapping for values stored on state.
- we-contract-sdk-grpc. Implementation with GRPC transport and Jackson object mapping. Should be used directly by the module which starts and runs the contract.
- we-contract-sdk-test. Utils for contract unit testing.
dependencies {
Other examples can be found in Samples.
public class SampleContractHandler {
private final ContractState contractState;
private final ContractTransaction tx;
private final Mapping<List<MySampleContractDto>> mapping;
public SampleContractHandler(ContractState contractState, ContractTransaction tx) {
this.contractState = contractState;
mapping = contractState.getMapping(
new TypeReference<List<MySampleContractDto>>() {
this.tx = tx;
public class SampleContractHandler {
// ...
public void createContract(String initialParam) {
contractState.put("INITIAL_PARAM", initialParam);
public void doSomeAction(String dtoId) {
contractState.put("INITIAL_PARAM", Instant.ofEpochMilli(tx.getTimestamp().getUtcTimestampMillis()));
if (mapping.has(dtoId)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Already has " + dtoId + " on state");
new MySampleContractDto("john", 18),
new MySampleContractDto("harry", 54)
public class MainDispatch {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ContractDispatcher contractDispatcher = GrpcJacksonContractDispatcherBuilder.builder()
private static ObjectMapper getObjectMapper() {
ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
objectMapper.registerModule(new JavaTimeModule());
return objectMapper;
FROM openjdk:8-alpine
MAINTAINER Waves Enterprise <>
ADD build/libs/*-all.jar app.jar
RUN chmod +x app.jar
CMD ["/bin/sh", "-c", "eval ${SET_ENV_CMD} ; java $JAVA_MEM $JAVA_OPTS -jar app.jar"]
Publish to registry used by WE Blockchain Node. For convenience there is a bash script which builds and pushes to specified registry.
You will need image
and imageHash
of the published contract to create it.
CreateContractTx example
"image": "",
"fee": 0,
"imageHash": "d17f6c1823176aa56e0e8184f9c45bc852ee9b076b06a586e40c23abde4d7dfa",
"type": 103,
"params": [
"type": "string",
"value": "createContract",
"key": "action"
"type": "string",
"value": "initialValue",
"key": "createContract"
"version": 2,
"sender": "3M3ybNZvLG7o7rnM4F7ViRPnDTfVggdfmRX",
"feeAssetId": null,
"contractName": "myAwesomeContract"
To call contract you will need contractId =
CallContractTx example
"contractId": "7sVc6ybnqZr523xWK5Sg7xADsX597qga8iQNAS9f1D3c",
"fee": 0,
"type": 104,
"params": [
"type": "string",
"value": "doSomeAction",
"key": "action"
"type": "string",
"value": "someValue",
"key": "createContract"
"version": 2,
"sender": "3M3ybNZvLG7o7rnM4F7ViRPnDTfVggdfmRX",
"feeAssetId": null,
"contractVersion": 1
Library has been tested against java8 and java17. When using with java17 additional java options should be specified for the io.grpc to enable optimizations.
--add-opens java.base/jdk.internal.misc=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.base/java.nio=ALL-UNNAMED -Dio.netty.tryReflectionSetAccessible=true
Full example can be found in Dockerfile for java17.