Python3 repository for the MRes in Systems and Synthetic Biology Coursework 3 (Theoretical Systems Biology) at Imperial College London.
Basic computational scaling testing for First Reaction and Direct implementations of the Gillspie algorithm
Working file for this coursework, containing all the code required to execute all functions and draw all graphs in this coursework (with a few exceptions)
Gillespie simulation module, see below for contents
Python file containing code required to calculate the probability distribution, mean and variance of the distribution derived in this coursework, which is described by the probability mass function
A subsection of containing code required to answer Question 4 from this coursework. Copied in a seperate file for ease of marking
Function for performing Gillespie simulations for arbitrary systems, with user-defined
propensities and transition rules. Transition rules can correspond to reaction
stoichiometries, or reaction associations, in the case where species are used as templates.
fun : callable
Propensity functions for the system.
The calling signature is fun(y). Here y has shape (n,).
Fun must return array_like with shape (p,).
transition-rules : array_like, shape (p,n)
Rules for changes in y upon each transition. Each row corresponds to the updates to all y for a specific
transition. Ensure this formatting, especially if number of propensities = number of species
t_span : 2-tuple of floats
Interval of simulation (t0, tf). The solver starts with t=t0 and integrates until it reaches t=tf.
y0 : array_like, shape (n,)
Initial state.
method : string: 'first' or 'direct'
The algorithm to use for the simulation. They are statistically identical and possess the same
asymptotic complexity, but 'direct' has proven more efficient for small systems (<25 reactions),
and 'first' for larger systems. The Next Reaction Method (Gibson and Bruck, 2000), is even more
efficient, but not implemented.
t : ndarray, shape (n_points,)
Time points.
y : ndarray, shape (n_points,n)
Values of the solution at t.
Function for performing Gillespie simulations for arbitrary cellular systems, including cell division,
with user-defined propensities and transition rules. Transition rules can correspond to reaction
stoichiometries, or reaction associations, in the case where species are used as templates.
Currently, only independent segregation of species upon cell division is implemented.
fun : callable
Propensity functions for the system.
The calling signature is fun(y). Here y has shape (n,).
Fun must return array_like with shape (p,).
transition-rules : array_like, shape (p,n)
Rules for changes in y upon each transition. Each row corresponds to the updates to all y for a specific
transition. Ensure this formatting, especially if number of propensities = number of species
t_span : 2-tuple of floats
Interval of simulation (t0, tf). The solver starts with t=t0 and integrates until it reaches t=tf.
y0 : array_like, shape (n,)
Initial state.
method : string: 'first' or 'direct'
The algorithm to use for the simulation. They are statistically identical and possess the same
asymptotic complexity, but 'direct' has proven more efficient for small systems (<25 reactions),
and 'first' for larger systems. The Next Reaction Method (Gibson and Bruck, 2000), is even more
efficient, but not implemented.
segregation : string: 'independent'
Placeholder parameter: currently, only independent partitioning is implemented, but this parameter
is included to allow for expansion to ordered or disordered partitioning in the future.
t : ndarray, shape (n_points,)
Time points.
y : ndarray, shape (n_points,n)
Values of the solution at t.
Function returning a histogram for integer data.
y : array_like, shape (l,n)
Input data
ints : ndarray, shape (i,)
Array of integer values
freq : ndarray, shape (i,n)
Relative frequency of ints
Function to calculate the binned mean of a number of time traces.
t : list of array_like, length (s)
List of input time traces
y : list of array_like, length (s)
List of input data
tspan : array_like, shape (2,)
Time span of the data to be averaged
include_start : bool
Whether or not to include the mean of the initial datapoint as the
start of the returned mean
t_out : ndarray, shape (i,)
Array of time points, one at the centre of each bin
y_out : ndarray, shape (i,n)
Array of mean y values within each bin, across all input traces
Function to calculate the mean of a number of time traces based on the nearest value to
desired sample points.
t : list of array_like, length (s)
List of input time traces
y : list of array_like, length (s)
List of input data
tspan : array_like, shape (2,)
Time span of the data to be averaged
resolution : float
Sampling time period, will return one mean value per every "resolution"
time units
t_out : ndarray, shape (i,)
Array of time points, one every "resolution" time units
y_out : ndarray, shape (i,n)
Array of mean y values across all input traces, with each value to be averaged
taken as the closest in time to the respective time point in t_out
The formula for time-normalised mean is given by
where Y = {y1,..,yN} and dti is the time spent in state yi.
Function to calculate the time-normalised mean of time series data
t : array_like, shape (n_points,)
Time points of the input time series
y : array_like, shape (n_points,n)
Values of the input time series
mu :
if n == 1:
array_like, shape (n,)
Mean of y values
The formula for time-normalised variance is given by
where Y = {y1,..,yN} and dti is the time spent in state yi.
Function to calculate the time-normalised variance of time series data
t : array_like, shape (n_points,)
Time points of the input time series
y : array_like, shape (n_points,n)
Values of the input time series
var :
if n == 1:
array_like, shape (n,)
Variance of y values
Function to perform approximate Bayesian computation on candidate models.
Currently hard-coded to only accept experimental data in the form of mean and variance,
and to utilise the similarity distance function in the coursework.
model_set : callable, or list of callables
Model or set of models upon which to perform ABC. If list, multimodel ABC
is performed
param_ranges : array_like, shape (k,2)
Prior ranges for parameters
d_stats : array_like, shape (2,)
Mean (index 0) and variance (index 1) of experimental data. Hard-coded to only
accept these summary statistics at this time.
n_samples : int
Number of acceptable parameter sets to return
epsilon : float
Similarity distance threshold
params : ndarray, shape (n_samples, k)
Accepted parameter sets
similarity : ndarray, shape (n_samples,)
Similarity distance values for accepted parameter sets
models : ndarray, shape (n_samples,)
Model index for accepted parameter sets. Only returned if multimodel ABC
is used